Unwanted and Unexpected Suprises

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Brook's POV
"Baby..." Tae's smooth rich voice called to me in my sleep.
"Yes..." I hummed in response. I felt his strong arms wrap around my waste and lightly squeeze in attempt to wake me more. But it had the opposite effect. I turned around and nuzzled deeper into his naked chest.
"Love, no. Stop being cute." He giggled. "Please, we have to go to work today."
"Let's call in sick." I mumbled wrapping my arms around him, trying to convince to stay in bed.
"I can't call in sick. I'm an idol." He tugged at the sheets I had strategically tangled around my body.
"Idol's need off days too." He chuckled. "And secretaries too." I added defiantly.
He sighed, and just as I thought I won, Taehyung got up quickly and swiftly picked me up bridle style.
A surprised shriek left my lips as he walked us towards the bathroom. I was still wrapped in the sheets and they trailed behind him as he walked.
"It's amazing how much you are able to imitate the sounds you made last night and I haven't even touched you." He commented. A smirk appeared on his lips as my cheeks tinted red. He immediately began to tickle me after and I surrendered.
"Ah! No, Tae! Please! Okay, okay! I'm up! Put me down, please!" I managed to get out between laughs.
After a second he finally set me down and then helped me up. What I didn't expect was the wave of nausea that overwhelmed me and sent running to the bathroom to empty out the content of last nights rendezvous.
Tae just as quickly raced after me and held my hair as I did. He rubbed circles on my back and tied my hair up before going to get me a cup of water after it finished.
"Lily are you ok?" He had started calling me Lily stating that I was his strong and gorgeous water lily.
"Yes I'm fine." The raw feeling of my throat made my voice crack. "It was probably too much wine or something."
"You only had two glasses. That was not it. I'm scheduling you a doctors appointment." He said stubbornly.
"Babe, it's fine. Really I'm sure it's nothing." But it was too late. He had already scheduled the appointment.
"There. It's tomorrow at two pm. I'll go with you." He said.
"Tae, no. I'll go but you have an interview tomorrow at one." I said.
"But- "
"No. We agreed with your manager that I wouldn't get in the way of your job. Now go take a shower and get ready. You have to go to work. You have practice in two hours." I said as I finished my water.
"Fine, but you aren't going to work." He stubbornly stated.
" That's fine. Kook is coming over anyway." I replied.
"What?! But you said we had practice?!" He looked at me as if I had forgot to feed Yeontan.
" No, I said you had practice." I giggled.
"Fine." He groaned.
I went to the kitchen and tried to ignore my nausea as I cooked omelets. Tae took a shower and got ready before coming down to eat. Tannie came into the kitchen just as I set down his food. He usually stayed at the dorms but this week he had been at my apartment.
"Bear, why are you cooking? You should be resting."
He worriedly came to my side at the table before sitting down and pulling me onto his lap.
"I'm fine Tae. Plus I wanted to make you something yummy before you went to work." I smiled up at him.
"Kissing your lips is more than a healthy and delicious breakfast." He smirked and slyly dropped a kiss on my lips.
"Your so cheesy." I giggled.
"As long as it makes you smile, I don't mind you calling me cheesy, my bear."
"Whatever." I said playfully. "Finish your food."
He quickly finished his food before I walked him to the door to say goodbye. Just as I reached up to give him a kiss outside the door, Jungkook came out of the elevator.
"No PDA please." He said in perfect English. I put my head down retreating from my kiss and regretting having taught him that phrase.
"Hi Kook." I said sheepishly.
"Yah, Hyung. How could you defile poor Noona's lips like that." A mock horrified look was planted on JK's face and I burst out into to laughter as Tae chased him into my apartment.
"I'm going to make you regret wasting my time" he said as he grabbed Kook and tickled him senseless.
"Hyung! I'm sorry! Ok, ok!" He gasped.

"Ok stop rough housing." I giggled and gave Tae a quick pec on the lips before sending him off to work.
The rest of the day was spent with Kook boxing and trying out new dessert recipes. We even drew and did some karaoke. I ended up throwing up my lunch but after that I was fine.
"Hyung is right Noona, that isn't normal." Jungkook said as I lead him to the door. Yeontan struggled in his arms trying to get me to hold him. I pet him to calm him down since Kook was taking him.
"I'm sure it's just a stomach bug or something. Get home safe Kookie." He smiled at me and left.
I sighed as I closed the door and felt the silence of being alone. Tae wouldn't be home for another hour for dinner before he had to leave again and go back to the dorms.
I decided to call Bella I haven't talk to her in a while since she's been busy with classes.
The phone ringed four times before she picked up.
"Hey! Girl you haven't called me in forever! How are you? Kook says your sick?" I could hear the worry in her voice. Of course he told her; I chuckled.
"Hi Bells; I'm fine. Really it's just your boyfriend and mine getting worried over nothing." I replied amused.
"Yeah, sure. That's what you said when you got pneumonia." She countered.
I laughed. "First of all I had the flu not pneumonia."
"Same difference." She huffed.
"And second of all, I had work so..." I finished.
"Whatever. What I'm saying is you never take time for yourself." She said.
"Not true."
"It's very true. You always put everything before yourself." A deep voice came from behind me and I shrieked.
"Hi Tae." Bella said from the phone.
"Hey Bella." Tae replied in English.
"God, Taehyung. You scared the life out of me." My heart was still racing in my chest.
"Sorry, Lily. I didn't mean to." His arms wrapped around my waste as he set his head on my shoulder. He gave me a kiss on the cheek in apology.
"It's ok, babe. Just don't do that again." He always knew how to charm me.
"Ok, Brook. I'm going to say bye now." For some reason as soon as she said this a sense of foreboding came over me. As if I wouldn't speak to her again.
"Ok, Bells. Be safe and remember I love you."
"Love you too." She replied before hanging up.
"Your home early?" I said as Tae sat on the couch and dragged me with him to snuggle.
"Yeah, my trainer wasn't feeling well. So he sent me home early."
"Well I'm glad. Are you hungry?" Just as I say this, grumbles from both our stomachs sound. We giggled.
"I guess that answers your question." He laughed.
"Good." I got to the kitchen and fix up a quick meal of creamy siracha noodles that a friend I had in high school taught me.
After we ate we watched a movie and snuggled before Tae had to leave. He gave me several goodbye kisses before reluctantly leaving my apartment. I sighed and closed the door.

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