Chapter 4

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Jo's POV

As I walk to the bar down the block from our hotel, I'm still unsure how to approach the situation I'm about to walk into. I did, however, wear something somewhat casual and a little revealing. I chose dark grey skinny slacks, a black lace bralette somewhat visible under a white silk button up blouse that I left unbuttoned a few, black heels that show off my newly manicured toes and loosely curled my hair into waves, leaving it down.

I approach the door to the building, the bouncer doesn't ask to check my I.D. Instead, he opens the door for me and I walk inside the almost dark room. Loud voices and the occasional boast of laughter greet me as I make my way inside and I notice Anna with her back to me at the bar.

"Jo! We were wondering when you'd get here!" Inanna jumps off her bar stool and walks over to hug me. I know in the movies we are supposed to be sworn enemies, but she's become someone I get along with the closest throughout this whole process.

"Hey! How are you. It's been so long!" I say, embracing her.

"I can't believe we are all together again! We all look so grown up," she says, sticking out her bottom lip a little as if her own statement makes her sad. "Here, let's get you a drink!" She takes my hand and leads me to the bar, where I am greeted by other fellow castmates.

About thirty minutes go by and I've started on my second vodka soda. I'm not normally a vodka person, but the other girls order them for me and now that I've started loosening up, they aren't that bad. As I raise my glass to take another drink, I hear the crown around me erupt.

"Hero! You're here!" I swallow my drink and feel my cheeks and chest turning red. Oh, God.

Some of the guys walk towards the front door and I smile at Inanna and attempt to play it as cool as possible. I'm pretty sure no one knows about Hero and I's fling from a while back. If they did, they never let us catch on. We had both agreed during that time to keep in between us as to not give our fellow working mates any reason to worry in the event things went south with us.

As Inanna and I's conversation comes to a standstill, I turn myself around in my seat at the bar and face towards where Hero made his entrance. He's slightly taller than any one else around him and I can barely make out his face. He looks to be smiling and looks...different that I remember.

His hair has grown out now much longer than it was before. Could that be for the roll this time? Or just personal preference? Whatever the case, I love it. He looks handsome in navy blue skinny slacks that stop just above his ankle bone and a plain white t shirt covered by a plaid sport jacket. I notice a chain around his neck sitting just below the collar of his shirt. That's new.

He looks tall, dark and handsome. Sexy even. The way he carries himself along with his appearance make him seem years older than when we first met. I quietly watch him as he smiles and hugs those around him, making small talk here and there. At one point, I hear Samuel tell Hero that he needs to get a drink at the bar. Hero nods and starts to make his way towards where I am seated. As he breaks free from the mob around him, he takes a long stride and raises his head in my direction. His eyes meet mine in a much too familiar way and I feel my heart leave my chest.

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