Chapter 25

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Jo's POV:
Two days had now passed since the night we went to the clinic. Two days filled with heartache and unanswered questions.

Hero and I spent 48 hours locked away in my room, him leaving only to grab fresh clothes from his own room or down to the gym for a quick work out. Anna had checked on us both days. I used her as another shoulder to cry on but she didn't seem to mind at all. She swore she wouldn't tell a sole about what had happened, that it was our right to do with the information as we felt right. Hero gave us space as she consoled me, and on the first night after she had left to return back to her own room, Hero held me while I cried in his arms. He remained silent the whole time, but his fingers trailing down the sides of my head over my hair repeatedly told me everything I needed to hear.

This morning, Hero and I showered together before heading to the clinic once again to meet with Dr. Whitten. We spent more time than needed underneath the water. He washed my body, his hands so gentle as they made their way down my back. From the first time we touched two years ago, Hero always had a way of making me feel like he would do everything in his power to protect me. Both physically and emotionally. Now, he did so with a purpose.

After arriving at the clinic this morning, we sit on the heavily padded chairs in the small waiting room, waiting to be seen by the Dr. Hero insisted he come with me and truth be told, I needed him to. He was the only one other than Anna that knew what I was going through right now and I took comfort in that, knowing I had someone else to help me through this.

As Jessie, the same assistant who had helped with my first appointment calls my name, I can't help but notice the other young woman sitting across from us waiting to also be seen as she raises her eyes to watch Hero walk with me into the treatment area. He doesn't seem to notice, but I understand it might be odd to see a man accompany his significant other while she visits a woman's clinic.

"Good morning guys. Hi, I'm Jessie," she says after she's closed the door behind us in our given room. She offers her hand towards Hero, her eyes wide and almost sparkling as she looks up at his tall figure before her.

"Hello. I'm Hero. Jo's boyfriend," he says politely, giving her hand a quick shake. This is the second time now that he's introduced me as his girlfriend, the words sounding so sweet rolling off his tongue and I can't help but smirk to myself.

After taking my blood pressure, Jessie leaves the room to track down Dr. Whitten. The room is quiet after the door clicks closed and I can't help but notice that Hero is still standing next to me as I sit on the exam table that is quite high off the ground.

"You seem more nervous than me," I say reaching for his hand at his side.

"I'm sorry," his voice low. "I don't like Dr's offices much."

Before I can say anything else, Dr. Whitten and Jessie return. She's wearing what looks to be the same knee length white coat as the other day, the words: Dr. Emily Whitten, OBGYN stitched in black cursive on the left side of her chest. Her hair is slightly wavy today and she's wearing a light shade of pink on her lips.

"Good morning, it's so nice to see you both here today," she says smiling at both of us separately.

"How are you feeling Josephine?" She Asks genuinely.

"I'm fine. I haven't had any problems since the other night," I say.

"That's good to hear. Well, we did receive your test results late yesterday afternoon from the lab. The elevated levels of your blood did indicate you were pregnant. Two days shy of one month," she says after she's scrolled through her iPad. "With that being said, I am confident in saying that I believe you did suffer a miscarriage the other night. But I am going to draw more blood today and see if your levels are still elevated or have dropped to be absolutely sure." I watch as Jessie hands her a clean pair of gloves and a syringe just as she had the other day. Hero moves a few steps away from where I am sitting, giving Dr. Whitten enough space to draw my blood. I can't help but notice how he turns his body away from us, making sure he can't see what she's about to do. He's told me before how the sight of blood makes his stomach turn.

After she's finished, she hands her assistant the syringe and discards her gloves.

"Do either of you have any questions for me?" She asks, glancing at both of us separately.

"Will she be able to have children?" My eyes dart to Hero's profile. His words are heavy and I watch as his eyes stare with such intensity at the Dr. waiting for her response.

"Having an early term miscarriage doesn't necessarily mean a woman will never be able to carry a baby full term. There is a chance that fertility problems can be the cause of having a miscarriage, however most of the time it happens because of things like intense stress, poor diet, trauma to the body. Things that can be more easily controlled." Her words are delivered with such care as her soft eyes look into Hero's.

After there are no more questions to be answered, she tells us that she will call with the results of my latest blood work and that it would not be necessary to make another appointment unless we needed anything else. Jessie leads us to the exit and Hero holds my hand as we walk through the waiting room.

We go to the coffee shop just next door as I had alone a few days prior. The same barista is working, and seems to recognize me from the other day. Hero and I order small coffees and we sit at another small wooden table located in the furthest corner from the door.

"Thank you for coming with me," I say after taking a sip of my coffee.

"You're welcome," Hero says, his eyes wondering to the large window behind me.

We talk casually about how it's much cooler outside today than it has been, and I can't help but notice he's become slightly distant since we left the clinic. I attempt to make him laugh a few times, but all I receive is a half smile at my words.

Hero arranges an Uber to pick us up and we sit in silence most of the way back to the hotel. The driver is a middle aged woman and attempts small talk, but I keep the conversation short and Hero doesn't bother to even respond.

I follow him as he leads us to my room once we've exited the elevator. He quickly opens the door and takes a few long strides before sitting down on the small couch. As I close the door behind me, I watch him as he places his elbows on his knees, taking his head in his hands and rubbing his face a few times. He looks exhausted and I can tell there's something eating away at him. I just don't know what.

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