Chapter 24

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Jo's POV:

As much as I didn't want Hero to leave the exam room, I hated him seeing me like this even more. I was scared. I didn't know how or why all of this was happening.

It didn't take long for Dr. Whitten to examine me. She mostly just asked me questions and felt around on my stomach which was slowly recovering from the pain before.

"I should have had your results back by now," she says, seeming slightly annoyed.

"Josephine, home tests aren't always one hundred percent accurate but they're much more than they used to be. Because one of the two of yours came back positive when you took it, I'm almost convinced that you were indeed pregnant," she says, slipping off her exam gloves.

"And now I'm not anymore?" I say, eyes still fixated on the ceiling above me.

"Would you like me to bring them back in before I explain my diagnosis?" she asks softly. I begin to sit up on the exam table and silently nod yes.

After she opens the door, it only takes seconds before Hero is standing next to me again, his hand reaching out for mine. His eyes are wide and slightly puffy, as if he's been crying or trying so hard not to.

"Although I'm not one hundred percent sure because of not having her results back, I do believe Josephine was pregnant and..."

"Was?"Hero says, his eyes fixated on the Dr.

"Unfortunately, I think you may have suffered a miscarriage Josephine. All of your symptoms and the quickness in which all of this took place is leading me to this conclusion," Dr. Whitten says, looking at me with sad eyes.

I can see Anna standing just next to the doorway of the exam room, her arms crossed and eyes swelling up with tears. Hero still has a hold of my hand and has never let go since returning to the room, gliding his thumb back and forth over the top of it.

I can see him out of the corner of my eye, he struggles to swallow and shifts his eyes towards me, them glistening with tears as well.

"What happens next," I ask, almost monotone.

"Well, I would take it easy for the next few days. Your body needs time to rest and your mind even more so. Drinking lots of water, getting plenty of rest are much needed. Because you may have been less than four weeks along, you shouldn't have any major things to take into consideration," the Dr. states, moving her eyes back and forth between Hero and I.

After she asks if either of us have any questions for her and schedules me to return in two days when the results should finally be in, Hero helps me down from the exam table and holds my waist off to my side as we make our way out of the room. Anna opens the door to the clinic after calling us a car and we all ride back to the hotel. The silence is deafening, and Hero never lets his hands leave my body.

In the elevator, Anna tells us that she will let the crew know tomorrow morning that I am not feeling well and will be out for the next couple of days. She hugs both of us, me a little longer than normal, and we part ways as we reach our floor.

Hero opens the door to my room with his key and leads me inside. We still haven't spoken a word to each other and I know it's killing him. His eyes look like they have so much to say but his mouth can't make it happen.

I slowly make my way into the bedroom, not bothering to turn on the light before removing my sweatshirt and crawling into bed. I pull the covers over me, my back towards the doorway but I can sense Hero's presence as he watches me.

"I don't want to leave you alone, but I understand if you don't want me to stay," he says quietly.

"I don't want you to go," I whisper, my back still turned.

I listen as he makes his way towards the bed. His body comes into view when he reaches the opposing side and he stares down at me before shifting the covers, making it so that he can lie down next to me.

He doesn't say a word as he slides in next to me. I lift my head as he moves his arm underneath me, my head resting on his shoulder. His other hand finds its' way around the rest of me and we lie there in silence, only the faint sound of our breathing able to be heard.

"I'm sorry," Hero says, his voice soft and low. His tone is strained.

"I know," I whisper against his chest. He kisses the top of my head, his lips barely making contact and I try to hold my breath as a tear runs from the corner of my eye.

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