Chapter 10

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Hero's POV

We began filming a little more than two weeks ago. Things have been going well despite the endless hours it feels like on set, leaving all of us exhausted by the end of the day.

This movie is a lot more mature than the previous one. Tessa and Hardin are not in the best place in their relationship for the majority of it, and to be quite honest, it's a bit difficult to fully portray those feelings on screen when Jo and I are the opposite right now. All the sexual stuff though? It's hard to stop when the camera cuts.

We haven't actually had a conversation leading us to set our relationship status in stone since we've reconnected, but I'd like to think I'm the only one she's focused on right now. Just like before, we spend most of our free time with each other, sneaking around to make sure no one catches on. One day, I'd love to tell them all about the time we've had. With all the speculation online about 'whether Hero and Josephine are more than just friends' ever since we first met, we both laugh at the fact that they are indeed correct.

Vivian tries to reach out to me everyday, whether it be through call or message. Some days I feel like answering, others I keep my phone on silent so I'm not aware. Whenever I happen to be by myself, which is pretty rare, I can't help but feel a little bad for not replying or picking up the call.

Like I mentioned before, the speculation and rumors about Jo and I that have been circling for years are occasionally the topic of conversation between Vivian and I. It's not often that she brings it up, but I can tell that she's way more bothered by it than she lets on. And to be quite honest, she should be.

It's not like i lie to Vivian and tell her there's absolutely nothing to worry about... I just tell her that she should know better than to believe everything she reads on the internet and that people say this stuff about male/female costars all the time. Do I sometimes want to come out and just say that, 'yes Jo and I have been sleeping together off and on for the past two years, and I'm completely in love with her in every single humanly way possible, have a nice life'? Yeah, probably 9/10 times we talk.

This thought usually crosses my mind after I've returned to my own room after nights full of sex, passion and unspoken love between Jo and I and I return Vivian's calls from the night before. She's asked me more than once if I would be okay with her flying out to Georgia to spend a little time together, but I tell her that we have a deadline to keep and I don't have much free time as it is.

In reality, the thought of spending any alone time with Vivian instead of Jo while I'm here? Absolutely crazy to me. Like I would have to be out of my mind to think that substituting one for the other would be comparable in any way.

I don't think I've been too harsh with Vivian. But I do feel myself slowly writing her off day by day. She's nice, too nice almost. She's only twenty-one and is naïve to believe that once I leave Georgia, I'll return back to LA immediately to see her again.

If things don't work out between Jo and I, somewhat like they eventually started to fade like last time, then at least I have that option. I tell myself I'm not a womanizer, right? I'm just holding onto the hope that Jo and I will someday be together for good. Forever.

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