Chapter 26

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Hero's POV:
As much as I absolutely hate going to Dr.'s offices, there was no way I was going to let Jo go alone this morning. Images of what had happened the other night flooded my mind when we entered the clinic, but I tried to keep my nerves at bay for the sake of hers.

I had so many more questions I wanted to ask the Dr. but didn't want to freak Jo out. After we left her appointment I felt myself growing angry at all the thoughts swirling around in my head. I wanted to know exactly why this happened. Why did it have to happen to Jo. What did she ever do to deserve such pain and heart break? What did we do. Sadly, I knew these could never be answered and that's what made me the most upset.

"Hero what's wrong?" I hear Jo's voice softly ask as I remove my hands from face. She's still standing by the door and she looks so small standing so far away.

"Did I do something? Or say something?" She asks. Why on earth would she think that? I am the one to blame.

"No. I did" I say, staring at the ground in front of me.

"What are you talking about?" She moves towards me, her expression changing to worry.

She sits close to me on the couch, placing her hand on my shoulder and leaning forward to try and make eye contact with me. I don't let her. I continue to stare at the ground as I respond.

"I feel like this is all my fault."

"What? Why would you say that?" Her voice is filled with disbelief.

"I put you through so much stress, Jo. All that shit I put you through with Vivian," I say, lifting my head, looking into her eyes.

"That and us having sex the night everything happened. I caused this." I watch as tears begin to fill her eyes.

"This is not your fault," she whispers.

I study her eyes, watching as a tear makes its way down her cheek. I feel my throat begin to tighten and eyes begin to fill as well at the sight of her sadness right in front of me.

"I love you so much. It just wasn't meant to be."

"One day," I say, taking her cheek in my hand and wiping the tears below her eye.

The day Jo went to the clinic alone, I sat on the couch, consumed by my thoughts. The woman I loved could be pregnant with my child. The more I thought about that, the more worry disappeared and excitement filled its place. Excitement about not having to part ways after filming was over. Excitement about introducing Jo to my family as more than just a friend. Excitement about decorating a babies room and picking out a name. I didn't give a fuck about things I'd have to miss such as going out to bars with my friends back home and being carefree whenever I felt like. I was ready to make this work.

Hello, all! Who's heart is broken in two? 🙋🏼‍♀️ such a heavy last couple of chapters and I hope I'm portraying the emotion I can picture in my own mind when I write the words. Thank you so much for the words of encouragement left in the comments recently. Along with having time to write today, I went down the rabbit hole of watching Hero and Jo interviews and how soft he is around her was just on my mind. Thank you and happy reading 🥰

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