Chapter 18

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Jo's POV:

When Hero returned to the hotel room, pregnancy tests in hand, that's when I felt the weight of this all being real. He was so sweet and the fact that he offered to go right then and there to get them, I was really so grateful. But despite all that, I didn't want this to even be happening. We are both so young, living across the world from anything we've ever known, WORKING for Christ sake. Talk about the worst possible time for this to even be an option.

As I shut the door to the bathroom, I set the tests on the counter next to the sink, placing my hands on either side of them as well. I look at my reflection in the large mirror hanging on the wall and take a deep breath before opening one of the boxes.

I've never taken a pregnancy test...never had a reason to. And the fact that I've been on birth control for the last six months had me believing I wouldn't have to be in this situation.

I remove the cap from the end of the test, my hands shaking, making it almost impossible to do so. After I do as the instructions say, I place it on the edge of the counter. My heart is racing and I'm wishing this was all just a dream.

I make my way to the large windows across the bathroom and sit on the edge of the tub, looking out at the city lights below me. I can't help but wonder if Hero will blame me in the case I am pregnant. I know it takes two, but the thought keeps crossing my mind.

After everything we had been through in the short time we'd known each other, we were finally starting to solidify our relationship, and I didn't want this to ruin everything we had worked so hard on.

After about two minutes, I begin to walk back to the counter. My bare feet are cold on the tile floor, but my face feels like it might burst into flames. I take another deep breath before picking up the test and can see the results plain as day on the small screen: Pregnant +.

Oh, my god. My stomach feels like it's about to fall onto the ground. Another wave of nausea comes forth, only this time with a purpose.

I set the test back onto the counter and run my hands through my hair. I try to gather my thoughts and decide to take the other test. Maybe it was a false positive? That happens sometimes, right?

I quickly open the second test, practically ripping the box to shreds and proceed to take it as well. This can't be happening. I'm not ready for this. We aren't ready for this. I can't turn my mind off. I lay the second test a few inches away from the first and begin to pace back and forth.

If I'm pregnant, everything will change. Everyone will be forced to know about Hero and I's relationship, which is fine, I just didn't think it would ever be because of this. What happens after we finish filming? We aren't exactly neighbors. Would Hero move to Australia? Would I be forced to move to London? Do we find a place in the middle and hope for the best?

As I try to calm myself down, I glance at the second test, now portraying it's reading: Negative -. What the fuck? I wipe my eyes with my palms and wait until my vision is clear again and re-read what it says. How is this even possible? Which one of these is true?

I take both tests into my right hand once more and open the door to the bathroom. Hero is sitting on the edge of the bed where I left him and he looks just as worried about the whole situation as I am. His eyes quickly move to my direction as I begin to walk out of the bathroom and I cross the hallway once more.

He doesn't say anything to me. He waits for me to disclose the results, eyes burning into my body.

"You're not going to believe this," I say, sitting next to him. "They say two different things."

"What?" He takes the tests into his own hand, studying them just like I had before him.

"Can this even happen?" He glances up at me and then back at the words on the tiny screens.

"I guess? I have no idea. This doesn't really tell us anything," I say quietly, my hands resting in between my thighs.

"Which one did you take first?" He asks, still staring at them.

"The positive one," I almost whisper.

"Alright, so what do we do now? Should I go get more?" His voice is still low but has become slightly frantic.

"I think I should go see a doctor. Just have some bloodwork done and see what that says. That's the only way I can know for sure," I say.

"We. The only way we can know for sure," Hero says, still continuing to look down. "You're not alone in this Jo. If you are pregnant, I'm partially responsible. I love you, clearly. And that means I'm ready to face whatever happens together." Hero's eyes have now moved up to meet mine.

His words are so gentle and I feel my eyes beginning to tear up.

"I love you too," I say, letting the tears fall. He wraps his arm closest to me around my shoulders, pulling me in towards his chest. I can feel his heart racing, but I feel so safe in his arms.

"We have another day off in two days. I'll just call first thing tomorrow morning and make an appointment somewhere," I say, my head still buried in his chest.

"Okay. If you want me to, I can go with you. We don't have to tell anyone anything...not yet. We'll just say we planned to do something just the two of us," he says, running his fingers along my back.

Despite the outcome of whatever may be, I feel so lucky to have Hero be the one beside me.

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