Chapter 22

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Jo's POV:

It's been two days since my appointment. I still have not heard anything from the clinic regarding my test results and the anticipation is beginning to kill me. After I returned back to the hotel that morning after my visit, Hero and I spent the rest of the day curled up together, some of the time watching movies and the other spent talking about various topics. It was nice to relax and he was being so attentive.

We still had not mentioned anything about the situation to anyone else and no one seemed to find it odd that Hero was paying closer attention to me on set, whether it be bringing me water whenever he saw fit or rubbing my back when we stood next to each other. He had always done little things like that for me and it had just become part of our dynamic.

When we returned to the hotel tonight just after the sun had set, I almost couldn't contain myself from jumping on top of him once we entered the room. I found myself being so turned on by the way he was so gentle with me and I longed for his touch when we were finally alone.

I practically ripped his clothes off, him doing the same to me and we had sex on the couch just like the first night we were together. Afterwards, he threw on a cut off t shirt and shorts and made his way down to the hotel gym for his nightly workout, despite having just had one with me. I decided to use the time to go over tomorrow's scene, making sure I was as prepared as possible.

I sit cross-legged on the bed, concentrating on the page in front of me when I start to feel a sharp pain in my lower stomach. I hadn't eaten anything since lunch and hadn't really found myself all too hungry once we got back. I place my hand on my stomach, touching where the pain is coming from. It relieves it slightly and I decide to make my way to the kitchen to see what there is to snack on.

As I slide off the side of the bed and my body is standing tall, I'm hit with another jolt of pain surging through my lower abdomen. It takes everything in my power to not loose my breath as I almost double over, clenching my side again.

I feel my heart start to race and grab my phone from the nightstand and slowly make my way across the hallway into the bathroom. With each step, the pain seems to grow larger and I have to tell myself to breath deeply in and out.

I manage to lean up against the bathroom counter and begin to text Hero who is still working out downstairs. He had taken his phone with him to listen to music while he worked out so I know he will see my text right away. My hands are shaking and I can feel my heart racing as I type words onto the screen.

*I need you to come back. Something's wrong* I press send and feel another jolt of pain radiate through my body.

Hero responds quickly, telling me he's on his way, and I don't dare move from my position as I try to keep myself from crying out in pain.

I hear the key card be inserted into the door, followed by the sound of the door closing and Hero's shoes running across the floor. He looks panicked as he comes around the corner into the bathroom and sees me in so much pain.

"What's wrong? What happened?!" He asks, racing towards me.

"I don't know. I was sitting on the bed and all of a sudden I had this shooting pain through my stomach. It hurts to even move, Hero," I say, my voice indicating I'm about to cry.

Hero wraps his arms around me and helps me make my way to the toilet only a few feet over. He closes the seat and steadies me as I slowly begin to sit down.

"I'm so sorry I left. I just don't understand wh... Jo are you bleeding?" Hero crouches between my legs, his eyes scanning my body able to see a small amount of blood on the inside of my leg. His eyes are wide and full of confusion.

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