The beginning

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Brook was finishing her last exam of her college career at UCLA as the professor clicked the bell P:"pencils down. Please turn your final over and I will come to collect them. You have all been a pleasure in to have as students. Especially you Ms. Allen. Me, being lost in myself humming my favorite song in my head, Do it Die by my favorite band, 30 Seconds To Mars, look up to my professor standing right in front on me, Professor Jared Leto. God this man makes me squirm from the instant wetness he brings on. Not hearing what he said , he gets in front of me, leans down to get my final, repeating his words, 'I said you have all been a pleasure to have in my class, especially you ms allen." His face directly in front of mine and slowly moves his hand across my desk. Across my hand to my final his eyes never leaving mine. I try to speak but all I can do is stare into those amazing blue eyes. The class bell rang and everyone became overly excited the semester was over. I slowly start to stand as my professor steps closer to me as the last student our just happen to shut the door behind him.
As I rise, B" why thank you Professor. You are really amazing and I've learned so much from you. It was then, he slowly slides his arm around my waist and pulls me to him whispering, "if you want to see what else I can teach you then come to this address at 10pm. But you must trust me and you must believe in your own . He puts his hand under my chin lifting it and says but you have to open your mind, open your heart, allow yourself to feel. Can you do that for me. His lips so close to mine. I look at him and say B"I trust you completely. I will be there at 10". His eyes grew dark and he smiled. He gave me a kiss on the cheek as he whispered. I will see you tonight. As he walked away I know I had to control my screaming mind. I'm so freaking happy. As I get in my car im screaming with excitement. After 4 years of lusting for this beautiful man, inside his mind is beyond intelligent and creative add that incredible heart and his smoking hot hot hot ass body, I have dreamed about a chance to learn all I could from his brilliant mind. Plus a chance however small to actually find out if those pics of his manhood were real or photo shopped.

That night I get ready. Put on my sexist black dress, stocking, heels; got my hair, makeup and nails done. Ok. I'm ready to go. Unbelievable im late for everything and I actually am not this time?!? Wait, is that clock right? It's 430pm? "Fuck me! Now what am I gonna do for 5.5 hours waiting' I don't want to change cause it would take too long to get it all back on. Nothing on tv. Ugh. Ok so I grab my iPad and start watching my professor from his tour last summer. They were Soo amazing
Suddenly..ding ..ding..
'WTF! Damn hold on. I never wake up well. I glance at my phone..1230am. NOOO. No I couldn't have slept and missed my one chance to learn from this amazing man. I swing my door open and bust into tears at what I have just fucked up. As soon as I do, there he is. In front of me. At my door. I'm crying hard now. He grabs me and pulls me into a hug. So tight to calm me down. As I stop crying I look at him. Still not believing he is here with me. That he chose me. I'm overwhelmed and I look at him and kiss him with all that I have. As I pulled back, I look at him 'I thought I had lost my only chance to ever hang out with, to talk to you, to see you, to learn from you and he grabs me and begins kissing me before I can say another word. He lifts me into his arms. Wrapping my legs around his waist and takes us to the bedroom. I've pulled his shirt off before we even make it to the door. He puts me on and slowly removes my dress. as it falls he is kissing me. Behind my ear and down my neck. Telling me how much he needs me. "Jared, you have me. All of me. You always have. You always will' that night Jared showed me what's it's like to truly trust someone. To love unconditionally, and what it feels like to truly wanted.
We spent every sec of the next two weeks together. My graduation ceremony was this Saturday. But their tour stars friday. He tried to reschedule the day concert but I wouldn't let him. The Echelon need him like I did. Before he left thurs night, we spent all day wrapped in each other's arms. Telling each other his much we love the. Other. Feeling my heart so full of love and yet so sad cause he will miss my biggest day.
Sat morning comes I start to get ready I miss him terribly I tried calling. No answer sent a text. No reply. Shannon my best friend pops his head in my room and says 10 min gotta go. Shannon is Jared brother..wait..Shannon is here?!? He is supposed to be with Jared in Texas..I'm confused and just as I start to yell for Shannon this hand pokes into my door holding a small box? I look up and see him. His eyes so bright and blue. I stand there tears running down my face. Jared "good morning my graduate, I have a lil something for you". I grab him hug him so tight and i can't hardly believe he is here. I look at him 'how? Why Are you here? You have a concert tonight." He smiles and kisses me so sweetly and says I still do. But your name is allen. You are in the first set of names to receive your diploma. I would never miss this special day for you. Once you have your diploma, we are out of here in 30 min and on a plane with plenty of time for the show. Now open your gift. I look at him grinning and start to pull on his shirt. He starts laughing "you said open my gift and you being here is the only gift I wanted and needed. Was you." He kisses me again and puts the small box in front of me again. I open it and it's a key. I look at him confused. Jared said, "this is a key to my home. Move in and stay with me. Inside my home I will give you the key to every part of my life. Then he hands me another box. I open it and it's another key. "That is the key to my heart' there is only one key and it's been broken but it still works. This key you only get to use once to open my heart and now you have. I hope this is the key you keep always protecting it, guarding it. Because you and only you have my heart and all of my love from now on.

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