The Vows

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Jared clears his throat, closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. Feeling Brook start to get nervous, he opened his eyes staring directly into hers, holding her hands. He brings each one to his lips and kisses then so gently. "Brook before I met you I thought I had it all, success, money, fame, the ability to create my art and share it with the world, but then I met you and realized I had nothing. The moment I saw you was the last time I saw my heart. I had it so buried with so many walls that nothing or no one could see it or hurt it but then you showed up in my life. And from the moment I saw into your eyes I knew I had lost my heart to you. You brought me back to life. You give so much of yourself to those you love. You are loyal, honest, but most of all, you are real. You have inspired me, driven me, protected and loved me even when I can be the biggest asshole and say the wrong thing or do something stupid. You never judge me instead you just love me. You are the air I breathe I make this vow to you today and everyday for as long as you let me, I promise to love you completely, your body, your soul, and the amazing spirit you carry inside of you. I will love more every day and I will make sure that everyday you know how much you are loved. I will protect you in the storms, laugh with you under the sun and dance with you in the rain. But no matter what I will always be by your side loving you. I will respect your opinion, even if I don't agree with it, I will support your decisions even if I don't like them I will be there when you are sick and I will fu..I mean I will love you when you're well. You are my ever after that I never thought I would have." With tears streaming down her face he takes his hands. Wipes them with his thumbs and kisses her. "I swear I will always be there for you loving you more everyday."
Brook takes a deep breath, using the handkerchief her dad had given her to wipe her eyes. Tucked it back into sleeve and takes his hands. Slowly she lifts her head to gaze into his eyes. It takes her a minute. Carolyn leans over 'you ok? You're up.'  Brook nods her yes   The whole time her eyes never leaving his.
"Jared when I met you I never thought I was worthy to be loved let alone good enough for someone like you. But you not only taught me that I was, you showed me who you really are. I knew I could never catch your eye not being  the normal girl you were seen with but the more time we spent together I realized that's cause everyone wanted you for what you could give them. But from the very start I just wanted you. The beautiful man with such a huge compassionate heart. You gave me courage, strength at my weakest.  You gave me love and encouragement to make me who I am today. You loved me when I couldn't love myself. But once  I tasted your love I was addicted. You are my life, you let me live again you gave my smile back and you so carefully put my heart back together after all I went thru and you have guarded it, nurtured it, you taught me that love doesn't hurt that it is the most amazing feeling and I want to spend the rest of my life showing you how much I am completely in love with you. Jared I promise you to love you unconditionally everyday for the rest of my life. I promise to support and challenge your creativity. To take care of you if your sick, to hold you when you are well and to make everyday for the rest of your life as happy as I can. Do you know just how loved  how appreciated, how respected you are.?
Jared leans over and kisses her again both with tears in their eyes. "I love you Brook" and kisses her again.
The pastor clears his throat " with no objections, what God has brought together, may no man or devil in hell be able to separate. Now you can kiss your bride!"  Jared grabs around her waist and pulls her so tight next to his body and it was so fast she squeals, "you are mine! My fucking wife!" And kissed her so hard so passionately that it was several minutes before they realized they were still in front of everyone.
"Ladies and Gentleman. As the sun sets over this beautiful island may your love never end and with each sunrise a deeper love is achieved each and every day. May I present to you Mr. And  Mrs. Jared Leto!" Everyone stands and is clapping and Jared picks Brook up. Kisses her again and starts to carry her to the edge of the tent. By the water . He sets her feet on the sand looks in her eyes "you are the mostbeautiful thing I have ever laid my eyes on I love you so much Mrs.Leto" and kisses her again. He pulls away and pulls her to the front of him. His arms around her waist holding heras the sun finally disappears behind the horizon. Just the two of them taking in the moment by themselves not saying a word. They heard the music start to play and Brook turns to face him. "Jared you made this day absolutely perfect. It was my dream wedding and you saw every detail. How can I ever thank you for all of this. I can't even begin to imagine what it.." Jared leans down to silence her with a kiss "today was your day. I wanted this moment that you dreamt about to be exactly what you always wanted. I would have spent every penny I had if that is what it took to make your dream a reality. Brook I love you. And money, success. None of that matters without you. I wanted to show you. There is nothing I wouldn't do for your happiness. Nothing."  She tears up again. "How did I ever get so lucky to have you fall in love with me?" He pulled her tight "it's the way you obey when you are told..the way you look tired to my bed  and the way you are gonna look tonight right over there in that hammock once all these people leave." 'Jared that hammock is out where everyone can see. Ah but you are wrong. Cause when I say party is over. This beach and in every direction will be completely empty. It's all ours for the night richard is prepared to make his final sweep of the area and after everyone leaves I'm stripping you down and going to tie you up and make your body nt my personal playground."
Brook looks up to him. Smiles grabs a handful of his already hardening dick. And  says "or I could just make you my personal Popsicle ." As she licks from his neck to his ear and bites down.
"Oh so you want to play that game huh. Careful cause it's all I can do right now not to rip that dress off you bend you over and fuck you fast and hard," as he pulls her tighter. She moans in his neck. "Ya and I'm not wearing anything under this dress so you could fuck me really easy really fast, and really really hard." As she winks and goes to pull away. He laces his hand in her hair pulling her hair back forcing her to stop  in her tracks and look at him. "You just tossed the match on a bond fire covered in gas, hope you are ready for the heat." "Bring it on ." As she slides from his grip and begins to make her way back to the reception. She turns and calls out "come on my love this party is just getting started." Jared growls to himself catching up to her and wraps his arm tightly around her waist. He leans over, "so it's like that Mrs. Leto? You think you can speak like that, tease me and just walk away?" Brook smiles and leans to his ear, "yes master I think I just did. Please punish me." And she bites his neck right below his ear, then runs her tongue down his neck. He pulled her tighter to his body, "I'm going to punish you I promise then I'm going to fuck you so hard you won't be able to walk for a week." "Promises promises!" And with a wink she is grabbed by Carolyn and pulled to the dance floor. "Cmon bitch y'all can fuck later. Let's go work up another sweat." Brook looks right at Jared and says "ya lets dance". Jared growls again knowing full well what was going to happen next.

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