And It Starts

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Brook's POV
As I finished getting ready I poked my head out "of the bathroom and Jared nervously going through his phone. What is he up to? Surely he doesn't have anymore surprises for this trip.. He has outdone himself so far and I can't believe he would be up to anything else. Oh but what if something is wrong back home. My mind starts racing and now I'm getting worried.
No he would have said if something is wrong. I come out of the bathroom and ask if he is going to get ready, he puts his phone back down. I ask him if everything is ok and he says yes as he walks into the bathroom closing the door.
I walk to the closet wondering what on earth I should wear. God Carolyn packed some of my best dresses and I really couldn't decide which one. I hear the shower turn off and I yell to him, "honey, which dress should I wear?" I hear him laughing as he pokes his head out the door "Brook really?" "What!?! You know I can never make up my mind." He rolls his eyes and says "the blue one" and shut the door again.
I walk back to the closet and pull my blue dress out and lay it on the bed.

Suddenly Jared's phone goes off. I walk to the nightstand and glance at the caller, it's Shannon. I picked it up and answered it but before I could say a word he starts "we made it and we are all checked in. 10a tomorrow right?" I sat there confused not knowing what to say Shannon starts again "bro? Did you hear me? We're here". I answered 'Shannon its Brook. Where is here and what is tomorrow at 10a?" Silence filled the air. 'Hello Shannon" now I'm really confused. Shannon starts stuttering and I immediately know he is going to try and lie to me. Before he can even form a word I start "Shannon. I know you and don't even try to lie to me, now what the hell is going on?" "Oh hey Brook. Nothing is going on. Let Jared know I called. Enjoy your trip. Love you guys." And he hung up before I could say another word. I say on the bed holding the phone staring at it with my mouth open when the bathroom door opened.
Jared saw me sitting there with his phone with this stupid yet irritated look on my face and I look up to him and I can tell he has this nervous look on his face. He is just standing there and I look at him holding his phone out. "You got a phone call from Shannon." He walks over to me and slowly taking the phone from my hand. "Really? What did he say?" I notice him glancing at his phone and I swear it looks like he is sweating.
Well, I stand up walking up to him wrapped my arms around him so he had to look at me. "Well, it was odd. He said that they were all here and checked in and he would be ready for 10a tomorrow." He stated with a fake laugh, turns his head "that is odd". I place my fingers on his chin turning his head towards me "what is tomorrow at 10?"
He kisses me deeply and I pulled away. "Oh no you don't. You are not going to get my head spinning and make me forget my question damn it," as a big smile comes across my face. He wrapped his arms around me tightly, "but you know if I wanted to I could make you forget your own name." With this smirk on his face. He kisses the top of my nose. "Honey it's nothing. We have a conference call in the morning to finalize stuff for the final leg of the tour. It's not a big deal. I hope you aren't upset that I have to do some work while we are in this paradise." I look in his eyes not knowing if I believe it or not. But I don't want anything to ruin this trip so I let it go. " no I don't mind I knew you couldn't go a whole week and not work. Really. It's ok. It's just odd to me that Shannon suddenly got so nervous on the phone with me." "You know Shannon. You just caught him off guard. Now go get dressed so we can make dinner". He gentle kisses my lips and spins me around. As I walk away he slaps my ass. "Hey now, I've been good what was that for?" "Just a reminder to make sure you stay that way". As he winks at me. "Oh really? And if I don't want to?" As I slide my dress on. I turn to him to do the zipper. He comes over to me places one hand on the zipper and the other around my throat. "You know what happens to bad girls?" As he lightly squeezed my throat while he pulls the zipper up. I turn to face him, his eyes are going from ocean blue to midnight blue as I look up to him licking my lips "yes I do know. But being bad is just so much more fun". Before I knew it I'm pinned up against the wall, hands being held over my head, his body pressed up against mine so tight I could barely breathe. "Woman I swear you are going to drive me insane. You are going to be so punished when we get back I'm going to have you begging me to fuck you. You will be begging me to let you cum. I'm going to do things to you that you have never thought possible. Do you hear me?" With that he licks behind my ear around my jaw to my lips and kisses me so passionately I can't move." He looked in my eyes "do you hear me?" I slowly nod my head cause I don't think I can even put two words together and make them come from my mouth. He then grabbed one of my breasts firmly bites my earlobe, "I didn't hear you." "Yes sir. I hear you," I whispered. "Good, now hurry and get your shoes. We have to go.
He walks away, adjusting himself as he was as turned on as I was at that moment. I stood there with my head spinning and I swear my juices had to be running down my legs cause I was so wet at that moment. "Shoes, cmon". He says as I come back to reality. Omg I think to myself. I am suddenly starving but it's not food I want. Ok. He wants to play tonight. Let's play. I slip on my shoes, grab my bag and my phone. "Ready?" He grabs my hand, "oh yes dear, I'm ready" as an evil smile creeps over my face. He laughs and we walk out of the hotel room.
We take the elevator down to the lobby and as the doors open my mouth drops as to who I see standing in front of me.

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