The Surprise

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'Stop pulling my arm! My legs are shorter and you're walking so fast! Slow down! What is this surprise that has you acting like a school boy?' I said as he suddenly stopped with me running right into his chest as he suddenly turned around. He has the huge shit eating grin from ear to ear.
He grabs me wrapping his arms around me and says 'Do you love me?' I looked at him like he was speaking another language. 'Of course why would you ask such a thing?' 'Then trust me. I did this for you cause I'm so proud of what you have accomplished. Graduating college with honors. My little smarty pants.' And kisses me so sweetly that I slowly pull back and say 'ok I trust you and I will stop bitching. But please slow down. Do you know how hard it is to run in heels?' He smiles 'actually, I do remember' as he winks and starts off again.
We get to the end of the parking lot outside the auditorium away from everyone. All the cars just the empty back lot. He pulls out his phone and sends a quick text to someone not letting me see. Hits send and returns his phone to his pocket looks up and has this grin that I immediately start laughing. 'I don't know what you're up to but I have no doubt that you Mr. Leto are going to blow my mind yet again.'
The words no longer exited my mouth when from off in the distance I see helicopter. I don't pay much mind to it until I see it starting to land fairly close to us. I look at him and he is just all smiles. Once it lands, he grabs my hand lowers his head and says 'You're chariot awaits my lady'.' I look at him 'we are leaving in that' 'oh yes my traffic this way.'
I've never been in a helicopter so I am excited and very nervous. Jared can see the anxiety building on my face. He takes my hand and leads me to the helicopter. 'Watch you step and have a seat'. I climb in and Jared gets in after me sits down and looks at the pilot 'did you bring them?' The pilot turned around and to face Jared and says 'yes sir Mr. Leto, they are right behind your seat. He tells me to close my eyes and gives me a soft kiss on the cheek so I did. He reaches behind the seat and grabs both items and places the first one in my hands. 'Open your eyes sweetie.' I did and it was the most beautiful box of long stem red roses. 36. My absolute favorite. I inhaled the aroma with tears in my eyes and look up at this beautiful sweet man. Jared nods to the pilot and we take off. Jared grabbed my hands brings it to his lips as tears run down my cheek. I lean over kiss him with all that I am ' thank you Jared these are beautiful'. He wipes the tears away and looked into my eyes 'beautiful flowers for my beautiful girl'. And kissed me again.
He slowly pulls up and takes the other box and places it in his pocket as I stated out the windows admiring the view below wondering where the hell are we going and what is in the other box.

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