A Time To Live

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Brook turns on the shower looks at her reflection in the mirror. She stares and thinks about how much her life has changed since she met Jared. She smiles and sighs realizing how much she loves him.  She drops her robe and climbs in the steaming water.
Meanwhile, Jared puts on his pants and grabs a shirt. He slips it on as a knock on the door. Thinking its Shannon,  he doesn't bother to button his shirt and swings the door open. It's Carolyn standing there holding the dress Jared had custom made by Vera Wang.
"Come on in. Did you have any problems picking it up?"  Jared says as he moves to the side to let her in.  Carolyn walks to the side of the room and carefully hangs the dress up, "no piece of cake getting the dress, but getting to it was a pain in the ass. When you asked me to pick this up you didn't say I had to go to New York City!" "If I had you would have said no." "Probably but you know I would have given in cause it's for her."
Jared goes over and gives her a hug. "Thank you for all you have done in helping me set this up. I really couldn't have done this without you. Hell I wouldn't even know about this if it weren't for you."  "Oh no you aren't gonna blame me if something goes wrong!"   Jared starts laughing. "You worry too much. Everything is going to be perfect. I'm making sure of it."  "You really do love her don't you?"  "More than you could ever imagine. She is my life. I can't breathe without her."  "Just promise me you will never hurt her. She has been through so much and if you hurt her, I swear on all that's good and holy I don't give a fuck who you are I will hunt you down and make you regret it for the rest of your life. You will beg for death. Do I make myself clear?" Jared tries not to laugh but a smile comes on his lips. "You have nothing to worry about. I would die before hurting her and I would never ever hurt her. She is everything to me." "Good now that that's cleared up,where is the little bitch?"
Jared starts laughing as another knock at the door. "That's shannon and she is in the shower."  Shannon comes bouncing in the room and as soon as Jared closes the door Shannon grabs him in a huge Shanbear hug. Jared "can't breathe. Shannon!"  He lets him go laughing. "Cmon now let's do this.!"  "Damn man you're more excited than I am."  "Fuck ya I am. After a year of hearing you go on and on about this watching you stress over every single tiny detail you're damn right I'm ready."
"Fuck you Shannon!" Jared starts laughing. Meanwhile Carolyn walks in from the balcony smoking a cigarette and sees Shannon. She has always liked him, but never said anything except to Brook but she made her promise to never tell.
"Hey Carolyn hoe are you? You look amazing!"  Says Shannon walking to her and giving her a hug. She turns bright red "thanks Shannon. You look great too. " they hold the hug for a min as Shannon takes a deep wiff of her hair. "Get a room already. Damn why don't you two just fuck and get it over with already?" Says Jared as he is starting to pace.  Carolyn flips him off backing away from Shannon.
"What's the matter lil bro? Why are you stressing? She is going to love this!"  "I just want it to be everything she ever imagined come true. I really hope she likes it."
"Likes what? Who is gonna like what? Hey Shannon" Brook says walking out of the bathroom in her robe with s towel in her head. Suddenly, Brook turns her head and sees Carolyn sitting on the couch and let's out this high pitch scream covering her mouth. Carolyn stands up "damn it's about time you got out of the shower!" "You bitch! What are you doing here?" She says as she runs to her best friend hugging her.  Brook slowly let's her go and turns to Jared "why is she here? And Shannon? And my dad? What are we getting married?" And starts laughing.
Jared walks over to her and grabs her hands. Bringing each one to his lips kissing them softly. "As a matter of a fact yes we are, if you say yes." Then he drops to one knee and pulls a small black box opening it to reveal the most gorgeous marquee diamond surrounded by a million smaller baguettes.  It was stunning. She covers her mouth and starts letting the tears fall. He grabs her other hand and says "Brook from the moment I met you, I knew there was something about you that I needed. You are honest, compassionate, intelligent, stubborn, but you give everything you are to those you love. You have become a part of my soul you have taken my heart and now I want to give you the one thing you haven't received yet, my name. I love you with every part of my being and you are my reason to create cause you are my inspiration. My muse. You are my reason for living cause without you my heart cannot beat. So I'm asking you, Brook will you marry me and become my wife?" He now has tears flowing as well. Brook falls to her knees and puts both hands on his face wiping his tears away, looking deep into his eyes. She knows he has never spoken more truer words to her as he just did. "Yes. Yes I will marry you!" He grabs her and kisses her so passionately with so much love that even Carolyn and Shannon both have tears. Jared pulls back takes her hand and puts the ring on her finger and kisses her again. "I love you so fucking much!"
"Well ok then let's get yall married. Cmon now we have places to go and people to marry!" Shouts Shannon slapping his brother on the back. Jared stands up takes Brook by the hand and lifts her to feet . "Ok Carolyn go work your magic. Get my beautiful bride ready," "no wait stop! What you mean we are really going to do this TODAY?" "I can't marry you today I don't have a dress or flowers or.." Jared pulls her close and presses his lips on hers quieting her complaints.
"Brook I have everything. Every detail taken care of. Turn around." Brook turns slowly to see Carolyn holding my dream dress. My hands go over my mouth. Carolyn is smiling like a Cheshire Cat. "How did you ever know about this dress? There is no way you could have known." Jared walks to his suitcase and pulls out this old worn out blue folder. He carefully opens it and inside was every single detail of the dream wedding I always wanted. I did it for a school project in high school. He turned to the pages where I had put pictures of the dress I dreamed of and hands it to me. I slowly turn the pages tears flowing down my face and I look up at him "how? How did you get this?" "Ask your best friend."
I looked at Carolyn. She couldn't tell if I was shocked or about to explode. She stood there and looked at me. "Where did you get this? How? When? Why?" Carolyn laughs. "Ok hold on. You know 2 question rule after that you lost me. I saw it in your dads garage one day when we were going through some of Mary's things. I opened it and I remembered you doing that project in school. The way your eyes lit up when you fantasized your wedding. So I asked your dad and he gave it to me. I knew one day you would find someone to make your dream come true and not only that but someone who wanted your wedding to be everything you have always wanted come true. When Jared asked me to help him I pulled it out. I told him you want to impress her. This was is her dream. Every detail all right there. But it's going to be expensive and a pain in the ass to pull it off. But I agreed to help him do what ever it took for your special day. And he did. He spared no expense down to the very last detail. " Brook was full blown crying and hugged Carolyn so tight. "Why would you do all this for me?" "Really? And you say I'm the pretty one? Ha. You're my best friend and you have been thru so much hell. I would do anything to see you happy. Really happy. Dumbass! Now stop your bawling or your eyes are gonna be fucked up in pictures!" She hugged her again "I fucking love you!" Brook says laughing. "You damn better. I had to fly here with your dad. Seriously. You owe me! ". "Me too damn it!" Shannon chimes in. I hugged them both.
Meanwhile Jared is standing there watching all of this. With this blank look on his face. "Thank you." Brook says wrapping her arms around him kissing his lips. "Hello. Are you in there?" Jared snaps out of thought. "Yes baby I'm here. Huh? I'm ok. Just a little tired. I think I'm going to go lay down for a min while you get ready."
"Are you feeling ok?" Shannon asks with a look on concern. "I'm fine. Really just tired. It was a long night." "Oh ya ok. Right. Ya go take s lil nap. I will start rounding everyone up and get them in place." "Thanks Shannon. Ok you two girls have fun. But don't take to long. We only have a few hours till sunset and we have to be in place 30 mins prior so when the preacher says kiss your bride I do as the sun finally sets." "OMG I love you so much. Ok baby. Go rest. Cmon bitch come make me purdy!"
The girls leave to the bathroom and shut the door as I go to lay down. "Shannon I think we have a problem." Says Jared softly. 'What? What problem?" Jared looks at him and said go look outside. Do you see it?" "Holy fuck. Now what are you going to do?"

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