I Need a Drink

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Brook POV:
I slammed the door to mine and Jared's room confused, angry but more sad that she showed up. Why can't that woman just die a slow and painful death was beyond me. I have to see my dad and I need another drink. I hardly ever drink but when I do, it's usually just one or two, but tonight, it's gonna be a whole lot more.
I found my dad's room and started beating on the door. "Daddy I know you are here open the door!"  Nothing. "Damn it!" I beat on it again now tears are flowing again "daddy please open the door!"  Silence. What the fuck! Now what do I do? Screw this I need another drink and went to the hotel bar.
I walked in and didn't even bother to look around. My makeup is streaked from tears with mascara making me look like a raccoon but I don't even care. I sat down at the bar and the bartender comes over hands me a napkin "are you ok? What can I get you?"  I take the napkin and wipe the mascara from my face and say "do you have Gentleman Jack?"  "Yes ma'am".  "Good. I need a double on the rocks and a small coke."  "You got it."  He makes my drinks and sets them down. "Here you go. If you want to talk about it, I'm a great listener."  I gave him a half smile, it was the best I could do, "you're sweet, thank you, but no. I will be fine."  I picked up the whiskey and drank over half in one swallow. Set the glass down and took a small sip of coke.   The bartender looked at me with his mouth opened. I glared at him "what?"   "Nothing. I'm sorry. I've just never seen a woman drink whiskey like that before." "Well, you've never met me. I do a lot of things people don't expect." Then I picked up the glass and finished it. "Another please."  "Yes ma'am.  You sure you're ok?"  "I will be." Starting to slur my words. He sat the drink down and I drank about a third of it.
After I finished that drink I asked for my tab. The bartender told me not to worry about it since it looked like I was having such a bad day. "Thanks. You're sweet."  As I stood up off the stool I lost my footing and fell right on my face.
"Omg ma'am. Are you ok?" He said running to my side trying to help me up. I pushed him off and sat there crying. I was now officially drunk. Sitting on the floor in the hotel bar crying like a little baby. "Why? Huh? Why do bad things just keep happening to me. I'm not a bad person but fuck I'm just sick of it. As soon as something good starts happening bam it feels like a bat knocks me back down. Why?" The bartender grabs my arm trying to help me stand up. "I said get off me! I'm fine! Fuck. Just leave me alone! I might as well just stay on the floor cause as soon as I get up something is just going to knock my ass right back down." 
"Brook?" I heard a voice I recognized and turned my head, "Carolyn?" "What the fuck are you doing here? How the fuck did you get here? Why are you letting me just sit here and bawl making a fool outta myself?" I said angrily.  "Are you done with your pity party? I figured it was a party for one and frankly you know I won't put up with you wallowing in pity. Now give me your hand and get your ass off the ground."
She pulls me up and I stumbled. "Thank you. You're so good to me." I'm slurring pretty bad trying to hug her. She grabs my arms making me stop and look at her. "How much has she had to drink?" She asked the bartender.  "Just 2 double whiskeys," he said. "How fast did she drink them?"  "She has only been in here for about 10 mins."  "But I ha 2 big ol Shannon doubled in my room first! That makes" I'm counting on my fingers and get excited when I reach 4 "4. I've had 4!" I say holding up 4 fingers shoving them in Carolyn's face. Carolyn turns back to me and says "what the fuck happened? Last time you drank like this..." And it clicked. "She was here wasn't she?"  I start crying again and nod my head. "Ah honey I'm so sorry. What did she do?" She says as she hugs me tight.
"She wanted me to hug her.can you believe that bitch had the nerve to show up here and ruin whatever Jared had planned for me?" She holds me tight rubbing my back. "Fuck her. Look at me." As she wiped my tears off my face. "Look. This trip will change your life. Jared has pulled out all the stops and done more to make this event so special, he even brought me here to share this with you as a surprise and he doesn't even like me." "That's not true. He thinks you're pretty." I laughed playing with her hair as she holds me upright. "Really? Oh wait, you mean that pretty huh?"  I laughed again, "but he does like you." "Wait, he brought you here, my dad, Shannon, who else is here?" "I can't tell you. You weren't supposed to see or know about any of us being here, so I can't say anything else and I was going to walk to my room even after seeing you sit at the bar, but when you fell down I knew I couldn't leave you like this." "You love me."  "Of course I do you drunk ass! Now cmon, let's get you back to your room."
"Ok ok. Bossy! But what is my surprise? You know you are dying to tell me" I giggled. "I want to so badly. But I promised I wouldn't. But trust me. Would I have come this far if it wasn't something so big? So great? Would your dad have flown on a plane over oceans this far if it wasn't huge?" "You are killing me. That's so true. Daddy doesn't fly well. But cmon. Tell me something. PALEEAASSEE!!" I whined slurring. We reached my room and she knocked on the door. Jared opened the door and the look on his face. "What the fuck? Brook are you drunk? Why are you with her?" He says staring at Carolyn like you better not have ruined this.  Carolyn pushed me from leaning on her into Jared's arms. I found her in the hotel bar on the floor cause she fell when getting off the stool, crying like a baby. I couldn't leave her like that."  Jared's face changed to a grateful look grabbed my face in his hands making me look at him, "Brook, are you ok? Tell me, are you hurt? What happened?" "Daddy wasn't in his room so I went to have a drink." "Another one?" "No make that 2, doubles is what the bartender said" Carolyn said. "2? She had 2 before she left here," Jared said ,"Yes I'm well aware she informed me"said Carolyn as Brook is holding up 4 fingers again. . "Thank you for bringing her back up. You didn't say anything did you?" Jared asked Carolyn. "Not a word. She tried but I didn't". "Thank you. I appreciate it. For saving her and my surprise. I'm going to put her to bed now. Thank you Carolyn. You are a good friend to her."  Carolyn came over and hugged Brook, "sleep it off sunshine. I will see you tomorrow. Goodnight Jared. Take care of her." And she hugged Jared.  "There is nothing I wouldn't do for her." "I feel the same. She is my best friend". "I mean it Carolyn. Thank you for being there for her. I see why you two are so close." "Hell we have to stay friends. We have too much shit on the other not to be." She laughed as she left the room.
Jared walked me over to the bedroom and I fell on the bed. Instantly passed out.
I woke up a few hours later to my head pounding and my mouth dry as hell. "OMG what the hell?" I muttered crawling from the bed searching for something liquid to quench my thirst. I can feel my heartbeat pushing the blood thru my head. Thump thump. Each beat felt like a hammer hitting my head. "This is why I don't drink. Fuck!" I mumbled opening the mini fridge grabbing water and walking to find my purse which contained aspirin. Popped 4 and downed the water. As I look around the room I see a table set up with all this food, candles, a bottle of champaign on ice, but notice no Jared. 'Oh God please tell me I didn't do or say something stupid and he left me. He went to all this trouble and leave it to me to fuck it up!"  I said talking out loud to myself. Holding my head I go back to the bedroom crawl under the covers and back to sleep. I just can't deal with it right now.
The next morning the sun wakes me as the bright rays are blinding. "Turn the light off!!" I yelled. No answer. I open one eye cause my head still hurts. My eyes are swollen from all the tears, Jared isn't in bed. In fact, his side wasn't even touched. "Jared?" I call his name out. Silence. I crawl from the warm blankets looking around the room, the living area, the bathroom and the balcony nothing. That's odd. Jared never stays out all night. I call his phone. Straight to voice mail. I send him a text. No response. I sat on the floor by the bed wondering. Where is he? What have I done?

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