We're Here

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The sun was setting and I could tell Jared was getting more excited the closer we got to where ever the hell he was taking me. I knew they had a show scheduled for tonight in Vegas but he hadn't dressed for a concert and it didn't appear that we were going there. Me: ' Jared are you still performing tonight? Aren't you supposed to be in Vegas? Is that where we are going?' He leans over with this sexy smile to my ear and whispers 'you'll see. And don't you worry. I took care of Vegas' . Me 'what does that mean? You didn't cancel the show cause of my graduation did you? Panic sets on ' Jared you can't do that to the echelon. OMG they will hate me'. He kisses me to shut me up. He pulls back. ' I've got this. You worry too much'
This whole time I've been in my panic I'm not seeing where we are landing. On top of The Venetian Hotel. Las Vegas. I look at him smiling. See I told you. You brought me to Vegas. J' yes but we aren't staying long. This is just a pit stop cause you know I can't cancel a concert, so we are here for the show and meet n greet then a limo will take us to the airport to your surprise. You aren't mad that we have to deter for a few hours are you?' I stare in his gorgeous eyes life my arm sliding my sleeve back showing my echelon tattoo 'hello!! Echelon here remember. It's how we met? Are you kidding me? What better way to start the celebration than front row center at a concert for my absolute favorite band and more importantly my absolute perfect man singing? I love you Jared and your music. I would never want to be the reason you don't play music.'
J' I love you so much.' I grabbed her in my arms and held her tight.
Jared's POV
Now that she is done with her studies I get to see her more and more I never want her out of my sight. Not for long anyway. I loved this woman. I don't know what it is about her, her smile, laugh, her smart ass mouth as I laugh to myself. The fact that she was echelon. But as soon as I met her in Dallas. I just knew she wasn't just after me for looks or money. At the meet n greet I remember all the girls all screaming and crying yet she just say there waiting her turn for her picture. She smiled and Shannon grabbed her for a hug. She looked at me as soon as the pic was over and said 'can I ask you a question?' 'Sure. What's your question? She stood there for a second and I could tell she was trying to gather the words together. Her eyes closed she took a deep breath and looked up into my eyes. Her eyes were as blue as mine and she had the cutest dimple on her left cheek when she smiled.
'J' I love you so much.' I grabbed her in my arms and held her tight.
Jared's POV
Now that she is done with her studies I get to see her more and more I never want her out of my sight. Not for long anyway. I loved this woman. I don't know what it is about her, her smile, laugh, her smart ass mouth as I laugh to myself. The fact that she was echelon. But as soon as I met her in Dallas. I just knew she wasn't just after me for looks or money. At the meet n greet I remember all the girls all screaming and crying yet she just say there waiting her turn for her picture. She smiled and Shannon grabbed her for a hug. She looked at me as soon as the pic was over and said 'can I ask you a question?' 'Sure. What's your question? She stood there for a second and I could tell she was trying to gather the words together. Her eyes closed she took a deep breath and looked up into my eyes. Her eyes were as blue as mine and she had the cutest dimple on her left cheek when she smiled. looked me dead in the eyes. 'She's echelon. Really?' 'I know. I know. But idk there is just something about her. She is not the typical throw herself at me but she is thoughtful, intelligent and doc you see her eyes? I see know how my eyes affect people she doc that to me'. 'Be careful.' With that he grabs his drumsticks and hit the stage.
That was two years ago and since that night this woman has become my world. She is so strong, independent, outgoing, sexy, and mine. This night she will know just how much she means. It's my turn to let her know she is the breathe that fills my lungs, the blood that runs through my veins. Without her I have no life, I can't breathe, my heart won't beat. She will know. Tonight. I can't wait to show her.
We are walking into the hotel and I'm lost in my memories, lost in reliving my love for her and she abruptly stops jerking my hand back bringing back to reality. 'Honey, what's wrong?' She wraps her arms around me and looks into my eyes. I put my arms around her waist pulling her close to me concerned. She smiled and says. Where did you just go?' 'What do you mean? I've been right here.' She giggled 'no your mind was off deep in thought. What were you just thinking about?' I pull her tighter to me our faces nearly touching. 'I was just remembering the night we met. How so fucking adorable you were, how I got lost in your eyes that night and IVR stayed there ever since'. I kissed her slowly, softly. Bringing my hands up to her face. She leans into me and let's a soft moan escape her lips. I love you so much. I pull back slowly tracing her face with my fingers 'I fell in love with you that night and you changed my life. You are my muse, my strength, my lover, and tonight..it's all about you and for you'. I knew what she was about to say 'Jared you don't' I cut her off by kissing her again and said. Yes I do. Cmon. Let's hit the stage so we can get our night started. A quick kiss and she grabs her spot on the side of the stage next to shayla and Emma. I grabbed my mic and ran out center stage. 'Hello Las Vegas! Are you ready to have some fucking fun? Get on your feet. Let me hear you scream!'

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