This Day In History

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Brook slowly sits down looking at Jared as he speaks to Shannon. "Make her a drink will ya, a double." "A double?" Questions Shannon. "Just skip the coke and brink me a double straight on the rocks!" Brook speaks up knowing that whatever Jared is going to tell her she isn't going to like. Jared nods to Shannon and Shannon makes the drink and brings It to Brook.
Jared kneels down in front of her placing his hands on her thighs, takes a deep breath and looks into her eyes, "Brook I'm sorry your mother showed up here and I think it's my fault she did." "What the fuck Jared?!? Why would she know your plans? Of all people!" He placed his fingers over he lips "please let me finish." Brook takes s big swallow of her whiskey and then nods at him to continue.
"As I was planning this out for you your mother contacted me. She said she wanted to make peace with you. I told her that you were graduating and that I was taking you on the trip of your dreams. I know she figured it out and that's why she came. I'm so very sorry and if there is any way I can make this up to you I will." Brook could feel his remorse by the way he lightly rubbed her legs and she downed the rest of her drink.
She looked at him "Jared I love you and I know you would never let that woman near me, not after what she has done to my family." She lightly stroked her hand down his cheek rubbing her thumb across his lips. He grabbed her wrists and kissed her palm. As she continued speaking "but that is not all you have to tell me is it?"
He looked into her eyes and he knew he couldn't lie, 'no. It's not"
"When I started planning this trip it was before you had told me what she had done and I had called her wanting to setup a meeting where maybe you could make amends, cause I just couldn't understand or having my mom be at something so special." he felt her legs stiffen as she held her empty glass out towards Shannon 'another one!" Shannon looked at Jared and he nodded again. Shannon takes the glass confused as to what could her mother have done so bad and why Jared is just letting her drink like this. He had never seen Brook this upset. Jared waited until she had another full glass before continuing.
"At first our conversations were very quick and to the point, then the anniversary of losing your sister approached. That night you told me what happened. " Jared looked at Shannon and began explaining to him how her mother was cheating on her father with a member of the mob cause she wanted the lifestyle of the rich. When her father caught her, a fight broke out and her sister came home walked in as her mother pulled a gun out. She told her father that if he didn't let the man go she would kill her sister. Her father never thought she would pull the trigger but he was wrong. She shot her in cold blood and then shot her father. Her mother then ran off and then married the son of a bitch and Brook came home to find her only sister dead and her father clinging barely to life."
Brook now has a steady stream of tears on her face, Shannon made himself a drink and downed it in shock as Brook never spoke of her mother and barely of a sister who he knew had died but didn't know how.
Brook stands up, finished the whole glass in one gulp, slams the glass against the wall 'I hate that fucking bitch! She killed my best friend! How would you feel huh Jared? How would it feel to lose Shannon? Could you deal with such a loss?" And she walked out to the balcony.
Shannon looked at Jared "dude, my God how did she ever keep that so buried? How did I not know but how did you not know?" "She never spoke of it till just 2 months ago when I pushed and pushed to find out why she was so sad. She made me promise to never bring it up. But now you've seen the meltdown and you know why." "Aren't you going to go out to her?" Shannon asked. "No. She needs a minute."
Brook walked back inside "what room is my dad in? I need to see him." Shannon responds "722". Brook walks out the door not saying another word. As the door shuts Shannon looks at Jared "why the hell ain't she in jail?" "Because the only witness was her dad and after he told the police, her mob boyfriend used his connections and she was never charged." "Seriously? That's so fucked up! When you found out what did you do?" "I called her up and told her that I knew the truth and if she ever came near Brook I would use every means at my disposal to make sure she was locked in a jail cell never to see the light of day ever again. Obviously she didn't take me seriously cause now that bitch has ruined her trip and I will be damned if she is going to ruin the moment I've been planning for tomorrow!" "But hasn't she done that?" "No. I'm just going to delay it a day. Let everyone know it will be in two days. I mean she knows everyone is here but she doesn't know that I brought literally everyone. And keep Carolyn on a tight leash. That woman drives me insane cause she just has the ability to be blonde at all the wrong times." Shannon smiles, "yeah she does but you just have to love her smile." "The only smile I see is Brook's and I'm going to bring that back before this night is over. Having her go see her dad will help." "Well at least know I know why they are so close. I couldn't imagine losing you, I never want to," as he walks over and hugs his brother. "I love you!" Jared says hugging him back. "Me too." Shannon leaves the room and Jared gets on the hotel phone and calls room service. "Yes, this is Jared Leto in suite 6277. Yes. I need..." "Yes sir Mr. Leto. We will have it right up." Jared hangs up the phone "we missed dinner, so I'm going to bring dinner to her and walks back out to the balcony.

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