Flashback Brook

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Still trying to soothe my broken heart from the breakup from my last relationship. The hell that man put me thru, I know there is a special place in hell with his name all over it. I packed my bags and decided I'm moving to the city and go back to school. New day, new place, new life. I wanted nothing from my old life and no reminders. The broken heart I carried around was enough of a reminder.
My best friend decided to stop by with a surprise with concert tickets and VIP Meet n Greet passes to my favorite band, 30 Seconds To Mars. This band has been my comfort, my motivation, my inspiration to pick myself up out of my depressed heartbroken state and keep moving. Keep striving towards my dreams. I always wanted to work in the music industry but I needed to finish my education before I had any chance. My dreams were put on hold cause I let that man control my life. His dreams were what mattered. Mine should be to support him and his dreams. Ugh. I was a fool. But no more.
Carolyn already had a key to my new place. She was my best friend since we were 15. We lost touch when we both married off. But somehow. We were both divorced around the same time as fate would have it and we ran into each other at the store. We picked right back up where we were in life as if no time had passed at all. C:'hey bitch, where are you? I gotta surprise for you and you are going to love me for fucking ever!' Me 'I already do bitch, but what is this surprise?' I said as I walked from my closet still putting things away. She plops on my bed holding up a dress' where the hell did you get this at and more importantly when can I borrow it?' I snatched the dress from her and said 'seriously? I got this a few years back and I've never worn it. Jim would never let me cause it was too revealing for his wife. Asshole. And as far as you borrowing it? I start laughing ' unless you are gonna wear it as a shirt. Never!' Carolyn was 5'10". I'm 5'3". My clothes have never ever got her. She was my pretty friend. Sweet as she could be, would die for me, but she wasn't the sharpest tack in the box. My mom would tell us all the time. 'Hun it's a good thing your pretty'. The first few times Carolyn would brag. See your mom thinks I'm pretty. I would roll my
Eyes and go 'yes you sure are!' But once the light bulb came all the way on, well you see what I mean. But I love her and there isn't anything on this earth I wouldn't do for her.
Carolyn: 'you suck you short munchkin'. 'Ya ya bite me Amazon! So what's the surprise?' 'Guess?' And she starts laughing. 'Ok. Let's see what would make me love you forever? Hmm'. 'No. You will love me for fucking ever'. 'I have no clue'. She pulls her purse on the bed, pulls out an envelope and said open it. I look at her and open the envelope pull out 2 concert tickets and a sheet of paper with 2 laminates. 'What the hell?' 'Read it!' She is now jumping on my bed. I read the tickets unfold the paper and started screaming..jumping on the bed and up and down with her. 'Seriously? You aren't fucking with me? Cuz I will kill you if you are!' She stops jumping grabs my arms. 'You have been thru hell. I know how much this band means to you and you couldn't afford to go cause of your move and school. So. I got them. Let's go have the best night of our lives. But I swear to God if Shannon even looks at me all sweaty I'm gonna pounce him'. I started to cry and laugh at the same time sitting down staring at the passes' you are truly the best. You're right I will fucking love you forever. Thank you!' And she hugged me so tight. 'Now get your ass up and get ready!' 'Ok ok. Find me something to wear. Oh and you can have Shannon but Jared is all mine!' 'You can have blue eyes.'
We got ready and headed to the concert. I was on my cell most of the way there. I currently work in IT and got q priority call on a problem I needed to resolve or my night was going to be stuck with that damn phone up to my ear all night. As soon as we parked I was hanging up. 'Fuck finally. Fixed! Dumbasses need to leave shit alone when I'm not there'. 'And that's why your the smart one cause I didn't understand not one word of that'. 'I know sweetie. That's cause you're pretty'. I start laughing and she flips me off getting out of the car. I worked for the top radio station in Dallas on their computers. Unfortunately it never failed that anytime Mars was doing interviews or concerts I was stuck working on a critical problem and couldn't leave. But not tonight. Tonight I am coming face to face with the man of my dreams. I mean look at him.. Jared is by far the hottest, most talented, creative beautiful dork on the planet. He is fucking perfect.
We lined up for the meet n greet and I'm trying to not cry, to breathe and not pass out or say anything stupid. We take our seats and in walked the guys. Everyone was cheering and I just sat there mesmerized, I stared at his blue eyes hanging on his every word. It was time to line up for our pictures and I told Carolyn. Look let's be last cause we can more time with them. She agreed. She went and wrapped Shannon in such a hug I couldn't help but laugh. As I was walking up for my turn, I couldn't look Jared in the eyes. Shannon grabbed me for a hug and they snapped the picture. I wanted to hug Jared so badly but was so scared so I just looked at him ' can I ask you a question?' He stopped and said sure. I closed my eyes ok. Say something. Don't sound stupid either. I asked him about VyRT and the technology they used. He looked at me and I immediately put my head down turning 50 shades of red. J' I wasn't expecting a question like that'. I turned to leave mentally kicking myself and didn't mean to but under my breath 'God dumbass why did you ask that?' He grabbed my arm and lifted my chin to look at him 'that would take too long to answer right now. But after the show why don't you meet me here and I can tell you over dinner.' I know my mouth had to fall straight to the ground. Did i hear that right? No way. 'Um really?! Me? Um ya. I mean yes ok'. He ran off to join the other guys and I slowly walked to where Carolyn was standing and screamed! I met him for dinner and we had such a great conversation that at the end of the night he was taking me home. We walked to my door 'you know I really enjoyed tonight. It's been a long time since I met someone who was into technology like I am and that can hold her own in an intelligent conversation.' He said as we stood in front of my door. I looked at the ground turning again a million shades of red. 'Thank you tonight was amazing.' He lifted my chin and said you shouldn't blush. You are a very beautiful woman who is extremely intelligent. Be proud of who you are.' I couldn't help it. As a few years ran down my cheek my insides fan girling all over the place. He pulls me into a tight hug and said I would like to stay in touch with you if you wouldn't mind. I have to leave tonight for our next tour stop but I would like to know more about you. 'I would love to stay in touch.' He hands me his phone to put my number in. I did and handed it back. I didn't ask for his cause what if he was just being nice. He looked at me 'you don't want my number?' 'Omg are you kidding me? I didn't ask cause I didn't know if you trusted me enough to give it to me.' 'Because you didn't just ask for it and the fact that I just don't know what it is, but my gut says I can trust you'. I handed him my phone he put his number in and kissed me on the cheek. 'I will talk to you soon' I rolled my eyes. That word. Ugh the Echelon curse word. 'What? What did I say to make you roll your eyes?' 'I started laughing..soon huh? Is that real world soon or Jared Leto soon?' He laughs. 'Oh so you're a smartass too?' 'I'm sorry but your soon is doing to be the death of the echelon'. He laughs again. He leans up gives me another hug. And said 'soon'. And walked back to his car. I watched him drive away, go inside to see Carolyn crashed on my couch and o screamed like I had been shot. She fell off the couch and in a panic state. 'What?!? What's wrong? Are you hurt?'
I slowly sink to the floor with the biggest smile and my back pressed up against the door. She stops looks at me and it clicks 'oh you're just getting home from being with blue eyes? Now I get it. Spill. Tell me every detail and leave nothing out! I'm making coffee cause you ain't sleeping till I hear everything'
I told her all that happened and noticed the sun was coming up. We had talked all night. Right as we were finished I was crawling into bed and my phone goes off. It's a text from Jared 'I had a great time last night. If you are up to it we are playing in Houston tonight. I left 2 tickets at will call for you and your friend if you can make it! Have a great day and I hope to see you tonight. J. I read the message. Over and over to make sure I wasn't dreaming. I finally replied ' we will be there. I can't wait! Thank you for an amazing night. See you #soon ;). B. And immediately god this text back 'soon. Haha. You're learning! Already got me figured out now my turn to figure you out. J. I set my phone down and had to sleep.

Fast forward 2 years
Jared and I became wry close. We saw each other when he was in town but because I was on school travel was none existent for me. Getting my masters so I could finally move up the ladder and really get deeper into the music industry. Jared was teaching me so much that I finally convinced him to teach at my university. He agreed and did most of the teachings via Skype cause he was never anywhere very long. When he was in class he was such a natural teaching. And because of his success everyone listened to every word he said. Especially me. Finally at the end of the last class of the last semester it happened. He asked me to come to his place to teach me something. Finally after all this time was I really getting a shot with him? I loved this man with every ounce of my being. He was so supportive of my dreams encouraging me. Helping me. Did he finally see me in a new light? That night my world changed forever. That night was the most passionate night of my entire life. That night he became mine and I became his.

Fast forward to today:
Emma: 'so do you know where you are off to after the concert?' She smiles so big. 'No but I have no doubt that the two of you know' as they both giggled. I smiled at them ' you know any other time I would bug Yall till you told me. But tonight he wants to surprise me so I'm going to let him' as I turned my head back towards the stage smiling. Watching this amazing man control the audience sing his heart out and love every minute.

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