You are beautiful

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Once off the plane, a young man came to gather our luggage and take us to our place on the water. I was so busy looking around at everything so beautiful that I missed a step and if it weren't for Jared's quick hands to catch me I would have been face first into the sidewalk. 'Seriously Brook..I know you have fallen for me so you don't have to show me everywhere we go' he says laughing. Me, red faced as usual, 'ha ha you're so funny'. 'Hey I'm just saying, unless you like falling down'. 'You know I'm a klutz. I can't help it but this time this is your fault.' I say sticking my tongue out at him. He grabs me quickly 'my fault? How is you falling face first my fault?' As I stare into those big beautiful blue eyes and his arms wrapped tightly around my waist. 'You brought to the most beautiful place I have ever seen. You brought one of my oldest dreams to life. I still can't even get over the fact that you love me' he cuts me off by kissing me with so much passion that if he wasn't holding me so tightly I would have fallen to the ground.
He pulls back and stares into my eyes, 'one day you will see in yourself all of the beauty I see. This place is nothing compared to you. I do love you completely" and he kisses me again.
We reach our hotel room and it's amazing. I've stayed in some of the worlds greatest hotels but this room took my breath away. As the porter is putting our luggage down talking to Jared I made bee line to the huge French doors opening them to this unbelievable balcony overlooking the water. I walked out to the edge my hand over my mouth as tears ran down my face I still couldn't believe we were here. How on earth did I get so lucky?
Suddenly these arms wrap around me from behind and I jumped being brought back into reality. Jared heard me sniffle and turned me around "no. No tears. What's wrong baby?" I hug him so tight bury my face in his chest and say 'I love you so much. This place is amazing I keep wondering what I have done to be this happy? This lucky". He laughs and wipes my tears away "you deserve to be happy you make me happy, keep me grounded and my ego in check, and you love me for me, not because of who I am or what I do, for me". I looked into his eyes 'I really do. I could live anywhere, be anywhere do anything as long as we are together. Whether it's a 5 star hotel or out on the street. I would still be just as happy as long as we are together. Jared I learned along time ago. Money doesn't make you happy. It makes life a little easier but doesn't make you happy. Only being with those you love will make you truly happy and you make me the happiest in the world."

We head back inside and I called my dad to let him know we made it. Of course I'm crying again because my dad helped Jared get this trip together. My dad was so excited for me. Then I called Carolyn while Jared called Shannon. "Carolyn?" "Oh hey what's up?" "Realiy? I gotta know. How long did you know about this trip?" "What trip". "Don't act pretty now you bitch," as I start laughing. She is laughing now. "Oh. You mean that trip?" Ass he is nearly in tears. "Hello? How long?" "Oh idk. Maybe 2 or3 weeks." She says it so calmly. "WHAT? Are you ducking kidding me? How the hell did you keep it from me?" "You have wanted to go there since you were 17. When Jared asked me what could he do to make your graduation special I told him. If anyone was going to make this happen for you it was gonna be him. So I actually kept my mouth shut." I look at Jared as he hangs up his phone smiling "I can't believe you managed to not tell me. I love you!" "I love you more now send me pics and go have the best vacation ever! See you soon." "No you won't cause we are going straight to his tour when we leave here and I won't be home for a month.' "Ha that's what you think. See you soon!" And hangs up. What was that supposed to mean? I try to call her back damn her straight to voicemail. I look at Jared 'well that was weird?" "What was?" "Carolyn." "What do you mean? Like normal Carolyn weird or weird even for her?" I throw a pillow at him as he is laughing. "Weird weird. She said she would see me soon and I told her that we are joining back up with the tour when we leave here and I won't be home for at least month." "She said that's what I think and hung up?" Jared stops laughing for a second says "maybe she just forgot how to read the calendar." He is rolling around on the bed laughing at her and himself. "Oh aren't you the smart ass now? Hmm? Ok granted she has her moments but this isn't one of them. I know her. Something's up."
Jared stops laughing. 'Sorry babe but I can't honk you're reading something into nothing. Let's lay here and rest for a bit before we get ready for dinner". He grabs my hands and pulls me to the bed right beside him. I curl up next to him as he wraps his arms around me. As I am about to lay my head on his chest I look up to him "thank you again for bringing me here. He pulled me into a kiss. Soft n sweet and I lay my head on his chest. I slowly start to fall asleep when I notice Jared's heart is beating so fast. I look up and he deep in thought but whatever it was it obviously concerned him. "Are you ok?" I ask. He snaps out of thought "huh? Oh ya sweetie I'm fine. It's nothing. Here lets rest." I don't buy it but don't push it either.

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