The Vulnerable me meets My Polar Opposite

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  • Dedicated to To someone who knows the real me

Hey guys, Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening to where you are now.

Today here at my area its snowing. Yay!! My first ever snow but I just realised that it really is hard to walk on freaking snow when you are just wearing rubber shoes/trainers(that's me).

I was prancing and frolicking about in the snow like an idiot and I think somebody saw me making a fool of myself hope it was not video tape and didn't turn into a viral one.

Enough about my snowy escape to enjoyment here is my chapter and hope you enjoy it.

Here I was, Andrew James. Sitting on my bed with my legs in an embrace and my blanket was wrapped around me. It was already in the evening and the full moon was out and well, maybe I would do something worthwhile instead of just mpoing around and hope that this would end.

It has been... starts to count. 3-9 days from the "Starbucks incident". The lamp on my side table on my desk was on. I went to my desk and just flipped open my laptop which was waiting their like a dog wanting to be awoken and enjoyed with by its owner.

I went and type my password which FYI know body knows but me. Quickly went into Google chrome and typed 'wattpad' and just went into my account instantly. I was just there staring in my news feed people with all sorts of stories that may find comforting to me but to them it was like placing pieces of art on a garage sale even Da Vinci woudn't do that sort of thing.

But well, free lance authors such as us wouldn't really mind the discrimination that readers and other fellow authors; say about our work.

I just scrolled and scrolled and yet it seems kinda of endless seeing Insta Star Authors running wild on their imaginations the few chosen that is. ( I am not aiming at anyone or even gonna call names) But the few other million or even gazillion even if that was a word or not. It seemed kind of pre-determined but who's counting.

People just wanna express themselves but lately that was the contrast of me being in high school. All I have to think about now is whether or not I might be going in to college the next day. The wouldn't mind they would just send me electronically homework at my email.

'Pesky teachers why do you have to bug me on my moment of silence.' I said to my self out loud.

I heard a knock from my door. ' Dear, are you okay there. Is something wrong with you?' my mom asked from the other side of the door. I was going to say 'Leave me be.' or 'Sorry to break it to you but I am a laughing stock in school, Mom. Happy?' . Those were the only options I could think of instead of the glossed lies stuck to you forever.

Before I could even say anything,my mom twisted the knob on my door and just stop mid way in going into my room. And then I thought ' Wow. My mom knows how to give me some space.'

She was in her mid 30's still young with her freckled due like face, she was kinda short but well you don't really have to say that in front of their faces. She wore a cardigan with a striped orange and yellow top which she wore when I was graduating from primary school. She also wore doll flats and legging under a pencil skirt.

She worked in the office being an accounting manager it was stuff work, but sometimes she would just smile and enjoy the work even though my dad hardly paid any attention to us at the dinner table. My dad was also a busy worker as they say ' big headed business men hardly have the time for the world' or so I presumed.

He is a workaholic. You know what they say ' Work and work til you got bored' with a huge enthusiastic aura surrounding them. I hardly ever see him I works late at night and works early in the day we just usually see. Ok, not see but just glance each other when we pass by each other at the hallway in our house.

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