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You know that contest I mentioned that my friend is entering? Well the whole 8th grade has to enter so heres my entry. If you haven't read my friend's poem yet, go read it! It's here on my account and it's called She's The Girl :3


There are many different forms of violence. There is violence by accident and then there’s actual violence, like a fight.

One example of violence by accident is in a rock concert crowd. You got mosh pits and crowd surfers. Those things can get rough because I’ve witnessed it. I always stay out of the mosh pits because I can’t take a punch but I’ve seen it. A couple have broken out right behind me in crowds. The most recent concert I went to, they would break out right behind my dad and I so my dad had to keep me from getting sucked in. Also at that concert, there were many crowd surfers. I got kicked in the same eye twice by shoes and got hit in the mouth when a mosh pit was going on. That is an example of accidental violence because usually, the people don’t mean it. They’re just having fun.

An example of hurtful violence is like a fight. I’ve never been in a fight or witnessed one first hand but I’ve seen some on TV and heard about some. With girls, hair and earrings get pulled; punches get thrown and there’s scratching. You don’t usually hear of guys fighting much but girls do… a lot.

Hurtful violence isn’t only physical but saying something to someone can cause harm to them. I believe the definition of violence is causing harm. Calling them a name is almost as bad as punching them sometimes. Sometimes, there can be violence not only between enemies, but friends and family as well.

 Violence hasn’t affected me directly but it has affected friends close to me. Weather I know them in real life or they’re just online friends. The thing is, online friends become really good friends of mine. Almost all of my friends have dealt with bullying, depression and self harm. I was always the one there to help them through it. When they need someone to talk to, I’m there. I may not give the best advice but at least they know they have someone that they can tell anything to and won’t be judged,

 The causes of violence can be anything from jealousy to a bad past with the other person. Violence is not only physical; it can be emotional, mental and verbal as well. I would consider violence and bullying almost the same thing. Violence can be between any two (or more) people.

 What can I do about violence? I can stand up. I can reach out to victims of bullying, abuse and self harm by befriending them and give them a shoulder to cry on. I don’t give the best advice, actually, my advice is the, most common advice that they always hear. I’m the one that gives them someone to tell what’s on their mind and what’s bothering them.  I won’t judge them for anything that they tell me and they trust me.

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