Book Chat: Only The Good Spy Young by Ally Carter

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Dear Mrs. Berenson

I am reading Only The Goo Spy Young. I chose the book because it looked like a good book and we had just watched a book trailer for a different book by the same author. This book is realistic fiction. 

The book is about a 16 year old girl who goes to an all girls spy school. The story takes place all around the world in different locations. The main characters are Cameron Morgan or Cammie, her best friend Rebecca Baxter or Bex and their teacher Joe Solomen. Some problems are that Cammie is confused of what her teacher said to her before he jumped in the water and Rebecca's parents are in trouble.

I cannot make connections in the book because the girls problems are spy related and she goes to a school in Loundon. I predict that Cammie's aunt is working with Joe or is him. The author put great action descriptions that helped me visualize it. The parts where she is fighting came to life for me.

Yes I have enjoyed the book very much. All the action makes me want to read other books by this author. The thing I most enjoyed was all the action but the thing I least enjoyed was the dead parts where it's really boring.

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