Disney Princess On Ice

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I wrote this in like... first grade so im going to write it how I actually wrote it back then XD I'm putting what my teacher put in these things ()

One night me and my friend went to this big staidum. It showed lots of princess beuse it was Disney Princess On Ice. It was aswome. It showed Ariel with bubble3s. Mulan with great dancing. Jasmine with great dancing also. Cinderella in a butiful carege. Bell with the rose. Sleeping Buteay with the prince slaying the dragon. We got snowcones. Thet were in a cup. That had a straw and a spoon conected to the straw. I got a wand that had Ariel on the bottom. It had a plastic calm. Then you press a button on Ariel's. Then it plays music and it lights up. It was part scary, part humores. (,and) part suprising.(,) It was cool. the cup even had a little handle to hold on to. It also had subashitin on the straw. The spoon looked like a clam. After we got into my moms truck and while we were driving we listned to some music by (K)kelly (C)clarkson. Also we played with my wand that I got. We tuk turns when we were at my friends house. My friends sister fell asleep in the truck then we drove home.

Amazing how much has changed, isn't it? XD

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