Book Chat: Angel by James Patterson

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Dear Mrs. Berenson

The book I am reading is Angel by James Patterson. In 6th grade I started reading the first book of the Maximum Ride Series because of the book club. I loved the series so much that I made sure I read every book in the series in order. Angel is the 2nd to last book in the series and I can't wait until the next book comes out in 2012. The genre is Science Fiction because the kids in the book are science expierements.

The main characters are Max, Fang, Angel, Nudge, Gazzy, Dylan and iggy. The book is about 7 bird kids trying to save the world. The story takes place in the US and France. Max is supposed to be tough but it facing relationship problems. The whole flock/ group is facing the problem of saving the world.

This book reminds me of how everyone talks how the world is going to end in 2012 because this is about the world ending. In the next book I think that Angel is going to try to escape but will be brainwashed and will try to take over the flock. When all the action was going on I could see the explosions and the movements. I could hear and see the emotion of Max and everybody else during the action and when they were upset, happy and in love.

I enojyed the book very much, it was very entertaining. This book makes me want to read more because it is very interesting and entertaining. The author makes the kids have problems that real kids would have. I enjoyed most when there was any action in the book. I didn't like when Angel got lost and Max fought with Fang.

Sincerely, TIffani

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