Timed Writing

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I was in a parking lot, sweaty, crowded, hot, excited. I was shoulder to shoulder.

All of a sudden, Pierce The Veil went on stage and I was being puhsed around. The music was blasting into my ears as I was in a sea of people. I could barley stand. Rhe people screaming and the pushing and shoving made a semi-enjoyable expeirence turn into an unpleasent one. And to think I was doing this all for my best friend. I gripped tightly onto my camera, not wanting to lose it, waiting until I could get my arms up to record.

The next moment, I was on the ground. There was a group of about five girls that had fallen, and I was on top. I pushed the others down to try to get up because I was the youngest. Thankfully, this guy next to me reached out his hand to pick me up. I took it and got up before I was trampled.

I looked backwards at my dad and started screaming and crying "I can't breathe!!" He pushed his way through the people that were seperating us and started pulling me out of the crowd, yelling at people to move. About a minute later, my friend got out of the crowd because she couldn't take it anymore either. After I drank a whole bottle of water while sitting in the shade, I went to my favourite bands signing.

I learned that crowds are rough and viscous. Don't get right in the middle unlsee you can stand your ground. I also leaned that it's not always a good idea to follow people.

Essays and Short StoriesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon