Big 6 Malaria Research Paper

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                                                Big 6 research


                                By Tiffani Roudebush

                                Intro to Africa

Hello, this is a research project on Africa. Let’s begin. According to mike Graf Africa has 54 countries. Africa has about 794 million people. Africa has 6 large cites. They are Cairo, Egypt, Lagos, Nigeria, Kinshasa and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Africa’s longest river is the Nile. It is 4,160 miles long! Wow! Africa’s highest mountain is Mount Kilimanjaro and it is about 19,341 feet above sea level. The lowest lake is Lake Assal and it is about 509 feet below sea level. Africa is also the second largest continent and it has 4 oceans surrounding it. It has the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea and the red sea. The equator runs right through the middle of Africa. Most of Africa is mostly covered by the Sahara desert, one of the largest hottest deserts in the world. The Nile River is in Egypt. Now let’s talk a little bit about malaria. According to Cynthia Klingel malaria kills most of the people in Africa. 

                                           What is malaria?

According to Columbia electronic encyclopedia malaria is an infectious parasitic disease. It is most commonly found in Africa, central and south America, the Mediterranean countries Asia and many of the pacific islands. The mosquito that transfers malaria is usually the female Anopheles mosquito. This is the process on how malaria infects a person, first they get bitten by a female Anopheles mosquito, then it goes to the liver, infects the liver and keeps on going till it hits the blood stream, there it attacks the red blood cells for this stuff called hemoglobin, then it continues traveling through the body. These are the symptoms, ague or chills, you get a fever that lasts for several hours and they occur every 3 or 4 days. But it is very dangerous if it is not treated, your spleen and liver can become enlarged, anemia or otherwise known as clogging of the vessels of certain tissues by red blood cells that are affected. According to malaria is most common in Africa and you can treat it with special medicine, but unfortanaly some countries in Africa don’t have that kind of medicine and some people die.

                   How does malaria move from host to host?

According to malaria can not spread without the female Anopheles mosquito. This stuff called parasite plasmodium which causes malaria can only reproduce in the stomach of the female Anopheles mosquito. Then the plasmodium travels from the stomach to the saliva glands to be transmitted again. Parasite plasmodium is a single celled parasite that enters through the blood stream, through the dangerous saliva that the mosquito puts in the body. The plasmodium, once it enters the body, it infects the red blood cells, then travels to the liver. Once it comes back to the red blood cells it causes fever every three days in the victim.

What is mosquito netting, how is it used, and how can it be a preventive?

According to Charity Nailu, when she went to Kenya one time, she walked into a hospital and only found one bed occupied, a child infected with pneumonia. She had expected to see all the beds occupied and the hospital full, but it wasn’t. This was because the Kenyan government distributed about 3.4 million insecticide mosquito nets in about 45 out of 70 districts in Kenya, But for the nets to work children had to sleep under these nets. Thanks to the nets the numbers of children dying of malaria annually dropped from 34,000 to 16,000. These nets had no cost and were long lasting.


So now we have learned a bunch about malaria and Africa. Let’s review; first we learned what malaria is and how it travels through the body. Then we learned that mosquitoes transmit malaria and how. Then we learned what are mosquito nets and how they help prevent malaria and. So I really hope that you learned as much stuff about Africa and malaria as I did. I also hope that you learned new stuff that you did not know about Africa and malaria. I know I did. 


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