Industrial Revolution

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The Industrial Revolution impacted the lives of American factory workers greatly. It damaged their education and health. They couldn’t complain though because they were too terrified.

 In Document 1, it states that it affected the children’s education. When William Cooper was asked if he had time to go to school, on account of the long hours, he replied “We had no time to go to school.” He was then asked if he could read or write and he replied with “I can read, but cannot write.” If he had not worked in the factory’s he may have had a better education.

 In Document 2, it says that it affected their health as well. Joseph Hebergam stated that he had “damaged lungs and his leg muscles don’t function properly and won’t support the weight of his bones.” He was told he would die in about a year because of his illness, which was caused by inhaling the dust in the factories for so long and the “overwork” and the “sufficient diet.”

In Document 3, it states that the factory workers were unhappy with their working conditions, but were too scared to complain. Elizabeth Bentley said that she worked from 5 am to 9 pm and lived two miles from the mill. There was no clock so if she was late, her pay would be docked. They only received a penny each hour so if they were 30 minutes late, they would get half a penny taken away. Frank Forrest said that there were no set hours. “The masters and managers would put the clocks forward in the morning and back at night”. He stated that “most of the workers knew but were too afraid to speak, they were even afraid to carry a watch.”

 In Document 4, it shows pictures of kids working in the factory. This shows that the kids start at a very young age and have to work really hard too. The conditions in the factory look really horrible, harsh and close.

 In Document 5, it’s a picture of a factory. This picture shows the effect the factories had on the environment. It sent smoke into the sky, causing pollution in the sky and the water beneath this certain factory that happened to be on a bridge.

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