Chapter 18

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Sandiso and I decided to wait till the twins are born before we get married, because I honestly cant do anything right now the doctor put me on bed rest, because anything I do raises my blood pressure so I have been watching the TV and reading books for the past week and I cant wait till I give birth so I can finally be free from this burden I am carrying now. It turns out I forgot to take my pill for atleast three days this was when Maqhawe was sick, he suddenly developed an asthma at school when he was running. I was too stressed out to remember I needed to take my pills. That was a hectic week. Since Soso doesn't allow me to do anything I am abusing his kindness by always asking for things, be it water, juice,f food, remote, needing my someone to help me get up or sit right. My kids at the moment hate me for it especially Maqhawe he complains a lot about me and ends up not doing whatever I asked for.

"Okay this is the last time I am bringing you anything. I am getting tired." Soso says he has been very patient with me. I never knew he was this patient.  "Nkanyezi is here with the boys I am going out I have a meeting I will come back late don't wait up. I love you." He says and kisses me. He leaves. Nkanyezi is now doing her 1st year in varsity, and she choose a university in the province I was surprised she did that she could have chosen wits or Cape town University but here she is. She lives at the university res but spends most of time with me. I am grateful for that but damn she needs to live a little and enjoy her life. 

Samkela runs to my room like someone is chasing him. "Siyasamkela what do I always say about running inside the house?" I snap. He looks at me then looks down, he quickly apologizes. This child is very sweet, I love how he can acknowledge his wrongs. "Mama Sphamandla and his mom are here." He says with excitement. Sphamandla is Sandiso's second son from his previous marriage. "Okay I am coming out in a minute." I say. I need to fix myself a bit because that woman hates me which is weird because at the end she got Soso's brother who she loves I don't get why she resents me. After I am satisfied with the way I look I walk to the kitchen where she is seated and doing something on her phone.

She looks up and she sees me coming she places her phone on the counter. She is staring at me as I walk towards her, I am tired as hell for any of this. "Hi." I say as I get two glasses of water I place the one in front of her. She drinks it like she has been waiting for it for a decade. We seat silently as we both drink our water. I am waiting for her to tell me what she is doing here. "I see this pregnancy is giving you a hard time, when I was pregnant with Sphamandla I looked like this he was a big baby that one." She says and she chuckles like she is remembering that time. I smile awkwardly. "Look I am not here to start a fight with you or anything I come in peace." She says. I nod. "You don't talk much do you? Anyway I am here because I know you are marrying my ex-husband soon so I thought I should come and warn you about somethings before you marry him." She says wow the audacity of this woman, this should be good.

"Look I know you are in love with him, from the way you look at him like he can do no wrong, like he is your world.  If I were you I wouldn't invest myself in him as you are right now, trust me he is not the person you think he is, he is a true gentleman that I know and he very affectionate, he thinks money solves everything, he thinks he can cheat and then buy you a car to apologize or he buys you a house or whatever, he has a lot of demons he is dealing with, he may claim to have left the life of crime but he is always looking for something to get his blood flowing if its not crime then its being with different women." She says then drinks her water again.

I am stuck on the crime part what on earth is she talking about? He is a lawyer and he is now a businessman, why would he be a criminal. I mean his father made sure that none of them ever have to do what he did to get his wealth. I don't show any emotion because I know women like her she will get strength if I show any shock. She looks at me then continues. "Before me there was Anathi, (Bophela's mom. Bophela is Soso's first son the teenager with an attitude.) Trust me when I say this she is Soso's first love, they were so in love from what I hear, and trust me when I say this no woman will ever compare to her, he loves her.  He wanted to marry her and she refused to marry him for reasons only she knows, he never even loved me the way he loves her. She is perfect from head to toe, she is very smart, he is the way he is because of her, she helped him build all this wealth hence he does everything for her.  I couldn't compete with her because even though we were married he never stopped going to her." She says getting a bit emotional thinking about it, I don't get why she is so emotional about all this, because she also cheated on him.

"I felt like a spare wheel in my own marriage imagine that because of that woman, Sandiso then went on to juggle other women with me in the marriage, till he eventually impregnated one of his side chicks." She says pained. Okay I relate and I know how she feels right now, being cheated on really lowers one's self esteem, and I know the pain of having to ask yourself if you were ever good enough I know that. 

Maybe she is looking to warn me as a woman not a bitter ex, hearing all this about Sandiso I wont lie it makes me look at him differently. If all this is true do I want to get married to such a person? "Ntinga was born from that infidelity, his mother is also a beautiful woman who fell for his charms she tried holding on after he left me she dated him before me also then they broke up and she went back again when I was in the picture but he couldn't commit to her he went back to his Anathi. I am not sure if you want to be a part of that  bullsh*t no one can compete with her. " She says. Dammit this woman why she is telling me all this? What do I do with such information?   

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