Chapter 19

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I cant sleep I keep turning and tossing thinking about what that woman said. Could it be that she is telling the truth? Is Sandiso a criminal? Does he really love this Anathi woman as much as she said? Can I really live with knowing that my 'husband' happens to love another woman more than me? As women we might be able to share a man but it gives us a sense of comfort knowing or thinking he loves you more than he loves the other woman, and in as much as we can stay in a relationship for stability we still crave for that love and affection from a man. Sandiso is not home at the moment, since he left during lunch time. She may be right its 12am now and he is not home, where could he be? What type of business requires him to work this late? I need to shut these thoughts right now. Sandiso is who he presented himself to be to me. He wouldn't cheat on me he knows just how much I suffered because of an unfaithful partner.

I need some water I struggle to get out of bed with this tummy in the way, I finally manage to get out. I walk to the kitchen where I can find water and something to eat, because wow I eat a lot when I am stressed. I look for something to eat and nothing looks appetizing for me, I am craving a bbq pizza with beetroot as a side. Let me boil the beetroot I have all the time in the world to do all this but where can I find a pizza. I call Sandiso because there is no way I am getting pizza so a Mcfeast will work also, he answers after the second ring. "Nondaba is everything okay? Are you in labor? What's going on?" He asks all these questions nervously. "No, No nothing like that, I am fine just calling to ask you to bring me my favorite burger from MacDonald's." I answer. He breaths he was holding his breath. "Okay, but why are you awake at this time?" He asks. "I couldn't sleep so I got hungry and I am now cooking." I say. He laughs. "Okay I am on my way." He says I hang up.

He came in after 30 minutes, gave me my food then went straight to the shower, he always does that when gets home from work before even touching me he touches me after he showers. "So tell me real reason why you are up? You sleep like a baby and never wake up for anything so whats bothering you?" He asks as he looks deep into my eyes, I cant lie to him especially when he looks into my eyes. "Nothing really." I say lying. "When you are done lying to me tell me." He says as he takes a bite of the meat in front of him, he is eating the dinner prepared by Nkanyezi. "Okay, your ex wife Nqobile was here." I say. His eyes widen. "Yeah she told me that you are a criminal, and that you love Anathi more than anyone." I say looking to study his reaction and he does not react as expected.

He shakes his head, he is about to lie to me. Argg my feet are hurting right now I have been standing for a longtime. "Me a criminal? She is lying, there is no one I love more than you. She obviously is still hurting from our separation." He says he is lying, he is folding his left hand then lets go, he does that a lot when he is lying, I have noticed that. My feet are doing a lot right now I just want to lay down now. "Please massage my feet and stop lying." I say walking away, taking my burger with. "Oh and please switch off the stove I don't feel like beetroot anymore." I say. I finally make it to our bedroom. I sit on the bed I was hoping he would follow me but it seems he is still thinking of more lies. I eventually finish the burger. He enters the room, he seats next to me and starts massaging my feet and we are sitting silently.

His massages feel like heaven, he always know where to touch. He looks at me like he wants to say something but something keeps holding him back. "Have you thought of more lies to tell me because I am stupid enough to believe you." I say he looks at me hurt by my words. "I knew you were naïve but I never knew you were this naïve to believe anything my ex says." He says. Wait what the f*ck is that supposed to mean? I am naïve? "So everything she said is a lie that's what you are saying to me?" I ask. I am trying my hardest not to shout. " Yes." He says but something in me tells me he is lying to me. I now feeling emotional I am about to cry even I don't know the reason for me to cry now. I feel them falling damn this pregnancy.

"If she is lying where are you from in this time of the night? I know no meeting takes place till this late so where were you?" I ask. He breaths in and looks at me again he stops massaging my feet, he gets on top of me and starts kissing me. "No you don't get to do that today. We are still talking you cant just use sex to avoid our problems." I say stopping him. He lets out a sigh of frustration. "Okay fine." He says then seats properly. He looks into my eyes again. "Yeah she is right, I have been a criminal in the past I used to do heists but I stopped I promise you its been 5 years since I did anything like that. Anathi is the mother of my first child, we have been through a lot together which was hard for me to let her go, but I promise you I am done with her I have you now. " He says, he looks sincere he is telling the truth. "You know that if you cheat its over between us, I wont tolerate any of that I did a lot of tolerating in my first marriage I wont do that again." I say.

He looks at me thenkisses me. "Look I love you and I mean it, I wont hurt you on purpose. I willdo my best to be the man you want me to be. I will remind you again that I amnot Siya, just learn to trust me. I wont do anything to jeopardize what we havebecause I love you. I just need you to trust me. " He says looking at me, hemeans it okay maybe he is right. Wow I don't know maybe I just am stupid or naïve,why am I believing this man he denied everything when I confronted him and nowhe probably made up a lie, but here I am choosing to believe him


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