Chapter 7

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"Hello." I answer the phone without looking at the caller id, I mean who calls at this time of the night. "Nobuntu is this how you answer your phone?" The voice on the other side of the call says and I know this voice all too well its my dad. "Baba, I am sorry, is everything okay?" I ask, the only time my dad would at this time of the night is because there is something wrong. "Its your brother, Siphosethu he is in hospital." My dad says, my heart sinks. My dad is never this worried, he is always calm when it comes to situations like these, but right now he is really worried I can hear from his voice and the way he sighs. This must be serious. "Baba whats wrong?" I ask. "Your brother was shot, there was a robbery at one of his workshops and he was shot." He says. "Which hospital is he in? I will be there in the morning." I ask. He tells me and tries to tell me not to worry, but how can I not worry. My only brother is fighting for his life and I shouldn't worry that's BS. I take a quick shower, and I try to contact Siya and his phone leads straight to voice mail. I leave a voicemail to inform him about what's happening. I pack a few clothes for me and my kids.

I call my uncle and he answers on the second ring, "Nondaba why are you calling me so early in the morning? " He asks concerned. "Babomncane its Sethu he is in hospital he was shot in a robbery." I say, I am surprised I haven't cried yet. "Wait what, I am coming, I will drive us there I am coming to pick you up." He says then hangs up. I continue packing and the kids are still sleeping. "Mama, what's wrong?" She says still a bit sleepy. "Baby please pack your bags for at least 3 days we are going away." I say. She looks at me for a minute before she eventually turns and goes back to her room. My uncle arrived in half an hour. The boys are sleeping like they are dead they cant even feel us pick them up to the car. The drive to the hospital was long, I kept on calling to find out how he was doing, and he was still in surgery. I didn't bother trying to call my husband and he forgot to mention he was going to a mini holiday with his wife, and they told everyone not to bother calling because were they went there is no network and he forgot to inform me, funny right.

By the time we arrived at the hospital it was now morning the sun is out. My uncle sped across the road it was empty luckily, and he violated a lot of road rules but who cares at the moment the only thing I want is to see my brother and we get to the reception and I see Thando talking to some doctor. " Hey Thando." I rush to hug her and she cries on my shoulder, I also cry on hers. She finally lets go. "I am glad you are here, I sent mom and dad home I got here an hour ago and he is now out of the theater he is critical but I think he will be fine." She says. She then notices my uncle and she whispers. "Dad is not going to be happy with this." I know that but we are here for Sethu. "I know." I say. She goes on to great him and she greets my kids.

"Where is his girlfriend? Their daughter?" I ask. "She also went home. their daughter is with her parents" Thando answers. "Can I see him?" I ask her. " We are not allowed to but I guess we can the doctor is my friend." She answers. I walk into his room and this doesn't look like Sethu, he is bandaged over his head where he was aimed at and luckily the bullet didn't get through it got stuck on the skull and failed to penetrate which is great, this person who shot at him meant to kill him, he was shot in the chest, stomach and head, and by Gods grace the bullets didn't hit any vital organs. My ancestors and God were working overtime to protect him. I touch his hand its cold, his breathing with the machines, he always said if it happened that he found himself breathing through the machine we must do him a favor and switch it off, that would be a hard call if it ever gets to that, I am not ready to let him go.

My kids haven't spent as much time with him they haven't experienced the joys of having an uncle, and that's in me my kids haven't spent much time with my side of the family I need to do better, when he wakes up I will make sure I try to spend time with him and my family as a whole. He looks pale,and him being dark skinned he looks even darker, its almost as if blood is not flowing. I sat and talked to him before our time was cut short by the doctor, I promised to spend more time with him when he wakes up. He always complained that I am always too busy for him.

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