Chapter 6

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3 months later

"Don't forget tomorrow morning there's a meeting with the shareholders at 8:30 am. You also have to sign these reports before you leave." Andisiwe my PA says. Well since the company had new owners there have been a lot of changes in the entity, and in those changes I found myself getting promoted to Financial Director, I didn't expect it but it happened. I don't think I have mentioned that I now work for a logistics company, and well the pay is great and the benefits are proper. I am going home to help prepare dinner there is a special dinner tonight. Siya invited a big client of his to dinner and he wants us both wives and all his kids present to this dinner, so Nandi is the host I am quiet relieved by that. I don't think in our 7 years of marriage he has invited any client of his. So I have to get home and freshen up and help the kids freshen up also, he wants everything to be perfect.

The drive home was short, and when I got home the kids were ready, and its all thanks to Nkanyezi. She is very helpful and has a great influence on the boys. She is the perfect big sister. I appreciate it but I would also like for her to go out and have fun with girls her age, and enjoy her life and not be a deputy parent. I would like her to enjoy her teenage years and not worry much about good grades and being the perfect child. I was the perfect child and I do sometimes regret not doing somethings from my teenage years, like I didn't party enough, I didn't date, I didn't even try weed or anything like that I was always about good grades, that's a talk I will need to have with her. I got to Nandi's house and shame she looks tired, she is heavily pregnant and I don't think she should be doing any of these she's doing now. The house looks completely spotless.

We greet each other and I help her with the salads. "So you do everything by yourself because wow your house looks spotless considering you have toddlers around the house. " I ask. She chuckles. "That would be impossible, I have a helper who comes to clean and do laundry on certain days." She says. That makes sense, I let MaKhumalo go as my helper when I left and I tried to get her back but She was dating Phakade who made it clear that no girlfriend of his will clean peoples houses except for his. They are still together surprisingly. "Oh okay that makes sense, do you need help with anything else?" I ask. "Oh yeah you can set the table I am almost only the pap is left." She says. I set the table with the help of my teenage daughter. We are now done just patiently waiting for Siya and company.

I seat and entertain the kids while Nandi freshens up. After about 30 minutes she is done and just then Siya and Company comes in. He walks in first with a very tall figure, the man who is with Siya has a really nice body he is built almost like Siya a body like he frequents the gym. His walk is also sexy AF, they get closer to us and he looks familiar.

My eyes must be deceiving me, I cannot believe who I am seeing I haven't seeing this man in 15 years. The last time I saw him he wasn't this tall and now he looks more like his father. I never thought I would see him again. Siya stops and greets us then kisses me on the cheek and then kisses on the cheek Nandi. He then introduces this man he is with. "This is Sandiso Ngidi, my client he will be joining us for dinner. Sandiso this is my 2nd wife Nandi and this is my 1st wife Buntu." He says introducing us. "Buntu? As in Buntu Zondi? " He asks shocked. Siya looks at us confused. "Oh my God Soso. I cant believe this is you." I say and jump to hug him and he hugs me back tightly. "I never thought I would see you again, wow small world." He says. His smile is still as seductive and he smells amazing.

Okay let me tell you about this person, this guy in front of me is Sandiso Ngidi, we grew up together he was my childhood best friend. We were so close our parents would even joke that we will get married when we grow up. Even though he was 3 years older than me. I had a huge crush on him as adolescence started he was starting to be attractive. He moved when he was in the 9th grade. His father was a taxi owner and head of the taxi association in our area and he didn't get along with a rival association, they were attacked at night and his older brother was killed as a result of the attack. Those attackers were found a week later but were killed in police custody. His family moved the following week which then led to rumors that his family was involved in the killing of these attackers. They moved and no one knew where they went, there were rumors that they were also attacked and killed.

Siya clears his throat. "Oh Siya we know each other from childhood, we grew up together." I say. He looks at us again then signals that we seat down to eat. I help Nandi bring the food to the table. "You have a beautiful family." Sandiso complements Siya he then looks at me then smiles and turns to Siya and they start talking about business. There is small talk here and there and a few laughs. Soso is still as I remember him he is still funny and very charming. He is a qualified lawyer, but now turned to businessman. Siya does not look very pleased with this interaction. So I try to turn this conversation back to the real reason why we are here but Sandiso is more interested in me, so I continued to entertain him. "I cant believe you actually got married, I remember as kids you said to my mom you will never marry because you hate chores, and you hated playing with dolls so you always fought me for my toys." He says and we laugh. "Soso do you remember we got a gun from Zano's room, and we played with it and your mom found us and she gave us a beating for weeks, I swore I would never go back to your house I went back the next morning." I say and we laugh again, no one else is finding this funny except for me and Soso. "No one calls me soso anymore." He says. Siya is definitely not happy but he conceals it with a smile and fake laughs here and there.

Dinner was done and Sandiso seems interested in whatever idea Siya had. So that made Siya happy at least. Siya was walking Sandiso to the door when he turned. "Buntu my mom would be happy to hear I saw you today, she was asking about you recently." He says. "Greet her for me and greet everyone for me, Sethu will be thrilled to hear you are still alive he believed the silly rumors about your family." I say and he smiles then leaves. " You were rather friendly with Sandiso you even forgot you were married." Siya says under his breath, thinking I couldn't hear him. "What?" I ask. "nothing." He says. Whoa he is jealous. I've seen him being jealous over me before but never this bitter, he is intimidated by Sandiso. I cant believe this, its so funny to see. He has nothing to worry about, I love him and I doubt I will see Sandiso again, he is married anyway I saw the ring on his finger, so Siya has nothing to worry about, right?    

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