Chapter 13

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Soso and I have been together for 3 months now and its been going great, Soso is great and we agreed to taking things slow between us and start afresh and I must say that has been the most beneficial thing for the both of us. I have also learnt a lot about him, he is a man of his word, he is very funny and he uses humor to hide things from me. He is not so upfront with his feelings unless I ask him about it. He has a whole lot of shady things on the side that I don't think I want to know about. I thought Siya was a bit shady but Soso is a whole different level of shady. He is also very generous, he is a great listener, he is caring he is only talkative when he is with me. Very observant nothing gets past him.

Today I am finally meeting his family, I know them but its been a long time since I saw them. I am nervous a lot has happened and a lot has changed. I knew the people they were and I was a kid. We are outside his parents house in Joburg, it's in the suburbs. It's a huge house, and I don't even dream about having such a house in my dreams. "Don't be nervous Nondaba you know these people they havent changed much. They are looking forward to seeing you again they have been looking forward to ever since they heard that I saw you." He says. I will take his word for it. We get out of the car and walk inside the gigantic house. We are welcomed by Soso's mom whose smiling so hard right now she seems happy to see me.

"MaShenge come on, stop smiling you are embarrassing me, your smile right now could brighten up the whole universe." Soso says and we laugh. She embraces me to a hug, it is so warm and welcoming. "Ntuthu I cant believe you are now a grown woman, it feels like it was yesterday when you would run from your mom naked to my house because you were afraid of Spuit(enema)." She says embarrassing me. We laugh. No one calls me Ntuthu she is the only person in the world who calls me that apparently the reason she started calling me that was she used to say ntuntu when she babied me but I would say Ntuthu in an attempt to say Ntuntu. "Ma you havent forgotten that name. " I say. "I will never forget it, you were such a happy talkative child you liked coming to the house and tell me stories." She says. I smile at her.

Soso's father shows up he smiles at us it quickly disappears. He still hasn't changed, he doesn't smile much. From what I remember he loves his wife and will do anything to make her happy. Soso's parents have always been very expressive of their love for each other. He kisses his wife, "Sondiya I hope you are not embarrassing these kids right now with the old stories, I know how much you love doing that." He says then looks back me. "Buntu you have grown, its good to see you again." He says. He is a man of few words. I see Soso's two troublesome brothers. Zanengcebo and Jama. Jama is scary he has always been scary I was always afraid of him and Zano is funny but very reckless, from what I remember. Zano walks towards us. He is still goofy I see. "Ntuthu. You have grown up to be beautiful wow, you were an ugly child yoh, puberty did wonders for you." He says jokingly. Sandiso looks at him like he will beat him up any minute. "Bafo I am just kidding." He puts his hands up in defeat then Jama smiles at me then just greets me, I expected nothing more from him to be honest. Sphelele is no where be seen, I wonder where he is.

The dinner was already prepared so we just sit down to eat. We chat about a lot of things from our childhood to them asking about my family. Zano has a beautiful lady who is seating next to him, she looks really shy and that's his wife. I don't know how she handles someone like Zano. Jama is also has a really beautiful wife who is his opposite the lady seems very outspoken and loud. I am finding this amusing its like the two brothers switched wives. "Bafo you have timing I wont lie, you waited for Buntu for such a long time for you to finally make your move." Zano says. "Our ancestors work overtime, I tell you she was always meant to end here Kwa Ngidi, its been a long time coming." He says "Nobuntu, do you remember coming to report Sandiso because he said he doesn't love you and you cried, when asked whats wrong you said you said you love him and you want to marry him." Soso's father says and we laugh. I don't remember this like that I remember it the other way round.

"We never thought Sandiso could love again after what that girl did to him. I hate that girl with everything in me for what she did to my family." MaShenge says. I don't know what they are talking about, he has always avoided talking about his previous relationships. I will have to ask him about that when we get home. There is some silence in at the table, just the sound of plates and forks. The door bell rings and MaShenge gets up first, and rushes to the door and then there is some commotion at the door. They all get up I guess they recognize the voices at the door, Sandiso looks at me and tells me not to worry they will sort it out quickly. Looking at his current state, it would be wise for me to ignore his instruction, he looks like someone who is ready to kill, he is angry but that calm angry I have never seen him like this ever. His brothers are looking at him like they are waiting for his next move. He walks quickly to the door and they run after him, pleading for him to calm down.

I walk slowly towards where everyone is. I think this is Sphelele, he has grown this much. Sphelele is the same age as me, I am older by a month. He was like Soso and I's baby when we were kids. He was a very skinny and tiny child so making him the baby was always favorable to us. He and Soso were close from when we were kids, and to be honest he and Sandiso are like one person, they share so many characterists and they look like one person, they still look like one person. I can sense the energy is bad here everyone is tense. Sphelele is with a woman I think we are the same age she is very pretty, thick with a really nice waist. She has an Afro and it's a beautiful long afro with lots of volume. She is wearing a pencil skirt that shows of her short curvy figure. She is not wearing any make up yet she is incredibly beautiful, her face is spotless and her skin a shade lighter than mine, she has chubby cheeks, her eyes are those eyes that grab your attention just by looking at them they are big but they complement her whole face. Damn she will think I am a freak for staring at her for so long. I look away back to Sandiso where her eyes are looking.

Sandiso is not looking happy to see her his eyes are on her. He is looking like a man with some internal battle. His eyes shift from her to his brother and his anger is now visible he wants his blood and it looks like a fight will break out any minute from now. Sphelele looks like he is ready to defend himself looking at his clenched fists that he keeps letting go. His eyes meet with mine he holds the eye contact in shock, Soso seems to take notice he looks back to see what Sphe is looking at he sees me and he looks down then walks towards me without a word. I whisper only for him to hear. "Are you okay do you want us to leave?" I ask. "Nah I am fine, sorry if I scared you." He says then lets out a frustrated sigh. He hugs me then walks back where we were seated.

I follow him and I see his family following us and Mashenge brings extra plates for our unwelcomed guests. There is awkward silence. Sphelele speaks first. "I cant believe my eyes is this you Buntu?" He asks. "Yes its her what are you doing here who invited you?" Sandiso asks with an attitude lol. "I was asking her, I didn't know you were her spokes person." Sphelele replies with the same attitude. "Okay that's enough." Says Soso's dad. I wonder what the hell happened between these two, I never thought there would be a lifetime where I would see these two fighting like tom and jerry. "she's my girlfriend unless you also want her to be yours also." Sandiso says then looks at the quiet lady. Who now looks a bit hurt. I think I know whats happening here. They are probably fighting over this girl so I think she was with Soso then Sphelele might have taken her from him I guess.

"Oh I wasn't going to do that she was always yours, this woman right here was mine first. You took her from me." Sphelele retaliates. Okay I am so not comfortable with this but maybe helpful if they talk about it. "Oh really now? The moment we got married you should have let it go. She is the mother of my child for god's sake." He says now he is fuming again. "You weren't treating her right, you had kid outside your marriage with your ex and she would call me crying because of something you did. You always had things your way because you have money more money than us you. I just couldn't watch you continue to mistreat her I couldn't okay." Sphelele says. He looks at me. "Nobuntu I hope he has been treating you better." He says. Sandiso gets angry he stands up I hold his arm. He looks at me and sits down. He is quiet.

"Im sorry Nqobile, I know I was horrible to you Sphelele is right I have known for years that I was wrong for how I treated you." He apologizes. Everyone seems shocked by this sudden apology even I am shocked. Sphe seems to calm down now. "I am sorry Bafo for all I have done to you, I know I have ruined your life in more ways than I could recall." He says. Wow who is this? "I am also sorry for sleeping with your wife." Sphe apologizes. "Buntu I think we can leave now." Sandiso waits for me to stand up and I l stand preparing to leave. "Thanks for dinner ma it was fantastic as always." He says and we leave and the ride to his house was awfully quiet. 

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