Chapter 27

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Sandiso and I have been married for 4 years now, and its been great yes we do have challenges but since Sandiso is a master of communications. He wants us to talk about everything, and that has been amazing for our marriage. Today it's the twins 4th birthday, and we are at the beach they love it but they run away from the ocean waters when they hit the sand, its so cute and funny to see. They talk to much for our own good. Sandiso and I decided that the twins are the last ones we cant be having kids at this age anymore and the energy to redo this whole thing again is not there anymore. My first born is now 15 and his is 19 so yeah I am getting old. Bophela and Samkela have become the best of friends now even though Bophela is now a university student, and Samkela is doing grade 10.

Samkela scares me a lot, the way he looks like his father, he walks like him, he has adopted his mannerisms, the way he speaks. I thought he would turnout like Mlotshwa but he seems to be more his like father every day, he smiles like him. I remember Siya's photos when he was in his late teens he looks like him. While Maqhawe is like Phakade they share the same personality traits, they have the same voice, but I like that he also posses some of my dad's traits. His smile just reminds me of my dad.

We are with the twins and Ntinga, they are the youngest the only ones who still want to be seen with us in public without feeling embarrassed Sphamandla and Maqhawe would rather be home to play the play station, than be in public with us well with me because I 'mother' them. I mean that's my job if I don't mother them who will? The kids are having fun and its good to see them enjoying their day but the sun is setting now. Ntinga loves being around us he is 9 years old, he is such a sweet and super cute child. He still posses the innocence of a child and hasn't seen anything in the world and I think he will be one of those kids who realise how filthy the world is at a later stage, a late bloomer.

I feel like he is a sheltered child, adores his father and mother by mother I mean me his mom thought it would be best he lives with us because it's a healthy environment, and she felt he should experience the life of having a mom and dad around, while she chases her dreams. He was so excited to move in with us I think its because we have a lot of kids in the house. He helps me pack their toys, as I prepare to leave. Soso is running after the twins who are not in the mood to leave. He finally catches up to them. "I did tell you I glad I am not having kids again, these two took away all the love I had for kids." He says. Yep I persuaded him into doing a vasectomy.

The drive home was so joyous because Soso decided it would be a great idea to stop by for an ice cream and now they are all hyped up like they had some drugs. Oh I now have my own web designing company and I am making a lot of money. I have bought a few houses for myself that belong to me and I bought with my own money, well partly. In as much as I love Soso and everything is going well and he loves me, but men have this tendency of bringing in new wives, or leaving you for a new wife, I would rather be safe than sorry. We get home and they all rush inside the house to look for the cake we promised them. Nkanyezi promised to bring it. My daughter is now doing her Honors in Physics.

I hear the twins screaming with excitement, I guess she is home. "I just wish we could spend the rest of our time here in car, without going to those crazy little people. I think you and I deserve a break we have are raising what 6 kids. 6 we definitely deserve a break." He says. He is complaining but I do the most work here, because he doesn't work from home like me. I am always tired but surprisingly I am managing. The rest of the day went by fast, I am glad Nkanyezi is around for today because wow if she wasn't it was going to be a hell of a day.

*Ring, Ring*

Its Soso's phone he answers. He seems shocked by what he is hearing on the other end. He panics then says he will be there in 30 minutes. "Baby, that was mom she says uBaba is sick and she is taking him to the hospital. I have to be there now." He says while panicking. He leaves the bed immediately and wears track suits since its a bit windy outside. I join him I rush to change into something comfortable but that says I am a Makoti, since I am not sure we are going home or hospital rather safe than sorry. 

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