Looking closer

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'It's not the clothes that make the women, but not bad,' Twisting her waist with ease and flexibility to view her back. Her skin was slightly red from being under the desert sun for two weeks. She fixed the single strap of her red top cut above her stomach. She pulled on the straps of her headband, an eight-pointed star surrounding the Konoha symbol. Trailing her hand along her neck, to the frame of a small broken mirror hanging on a small chain. She just stared at it, eyeing the small shard of mirror sticking out. Similar to her situation, a puzzle with missing pieces.

Drawing back the curtain of the small and awkward changing space in the store, she went to the owner standing behind a desk of fabrics, digging into her sack and taking out a small handful of gold coins.

"Will this be enough?"

"More than enough kind miss!" He said, eyes gleaming with excitement.

The clay bricks and stone floors that kept the store cool caused an impact when exiting as the sun of a desert beat down in the small town. Sakura's figure was fit, but she preferred loose clothing that could protect her from the elements, but after being beat under the sun, surrounded by dunes, and little vegetation, she reasoned for something more breathable.

As a shinobi, Sakura had traveled to many countries, and on her missions, she had experienced a lot, but nothing could have prepared her for what happened after she was expelled from the giant tower known as a dungeon.






Awakening to a sky without a cloud, your skin painting red from the sun, and the sound of vultures circling were far from ideal. Yet being able to wake up at all was appreciated. If only a sense of direction had also awakened with Sakura. She spent days without food or water navigating through a desert full of dangerous creatures that she had never seen before in her life and bandits lurking almost everywhere... To survive she would take some of the supplies the bandits carried before moving on with her journey. She nearly regretted taking as much treasure as she did, like a sack of potatoes which was a side dish in comparison to the bags of gold and jewels she chose to leave behind.

Then finally, she had reached an oasis. Few trees dwarfed by the harsh climate yet tall enough to provide the shadows Sakura could only bath in at night. She gathered water in her hands and drank greedily, despite knowing that she would choke. As she spluttered a new presence was felt too close to have appeared from a short distance that she took a defensive stance.

"Are you alright? I didn't mean to scare you."

Standing barely a meter away; a young man with long blonde hair in a braid the length of his body with a shine that would make Ino jealous and shimmering blue eyes as clear as the water of the oasis; his clothes dominantly green in a style she wasn't familiar with. Sakura also couldn't help but note that he had rather delicate features for a male. He also carried a stick with him and had a large hat on top of his head.

"Who are you?" She knew better than to judge by appearance but at the same time felt no malicious intent directed towards her from this man.

Then he smiled delicately at her, "My name is Yunan, I'm a traveler. How do you do?"

"Sakura," She replied with a simple nod. He looked at her like she was an apple on the branch of a pear tree.

"Nice to meet you, Sakura. Are you a traveler as well?"

"Um;" Sakura smiled; for some reason, she was getting an odd sensation from this person. It was something similar to what she felt before being pulled into the mirror. When she squinted from time to time she swore she could see something fluttering around him in a gentle hum, but it was fleeting. Like trying to learn how to walk for the first time, and stumbling and forgetting how to do it.

Through the Looking Glass (A Magi and Naruto crossover fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now