Chapter 21

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Salutations! Good to be back on the air! It's finally a new month, and I'm happy to have survived to give you this new chapter. You are the reason my writing fire burns as bright, looking at the words of encouragement and support. I hope you enjoy this and look forward to many more coming.

The descent into the dungeon had been swift, the magical gateway transporting Sakura from the golden sands of the Sindria coast to an otherworldly realm. Yet, as she landed in a graceful dive, the sights that greeted her were unlike anything she had ever encountered before. Sakura's eyes widened with awe and disbelief as she took in the surreal surroundings.

This dungeon was a far cry from the remnants of ancient structures, the twisting mazes, and the oppressive darkness she had encountered in her previous adventures. Here, she found herself submerged in an ethereal underwater wonderland. The once-familiar pull of gravity had transformed into a gentle buoyancy as water surrounded her.

The immense, crystal-clear ocean stretched in all directions, the deep blue depths disappearing into a dark abyss below. The surface above was nothing short of breathtaking.

The underwater landscape was equally mesmerizing. Unidentifiable structures, adorned with strange, glowing flora of every hue imaginable, stood sentinel beneath the waves. Neon plants swayed with the ebb and flow of the ocean currents, creating a mesmerizing ballet of colors.

As she ventured deeper into the watery domain, she noticed gemstones scattered across the ocean floor. Each one shimmered with an iridescent beauty, capturing an ethereal light. It was as though the very fabric of the dungeon was woven from the treasures of the sea.

Sakura's amazement began to give way to curiosity. Her lungs no longer craved air; instead, they accepted the liquid embrace of the ocean without protest. It was as if the dungeon itself had granted her the ability to breathe underwater.

"If some dungeons can be up in the sky," Sakura mused aloud, "I suppose some can be underwater."




After some time had gone by Sakura continued exploring through the depths, it was a lot like an ocean floor only it wasn't, there were no signs of any sea creatures or sea vegetation, Sakura reminded herself every time she thought something was missing that this was not the ocean but a dungeon where you never knew what might appear, what was a danger and what was safe. She didn't drop her guard though, three djinns taught her enough about that.

Sakura noticed that she didn't feel the water around her, it didn't give her the same sensation when your body was engulfed by it, she was able to keep her feet firmly on the ground though she could swim if she wanted to, she could also see very clearly which was also odd.

'This djinn must harness the water attribute' she concluded of course it wasn't that hard to tell.




In the eerie, aquatic silence that followed, Sakura embarked on a solitary journey through the labyrinthine depths of the underwater dungeon. The lack of monsters or immediate threats was strange, given her past experiences in dungeons where danger lurked around every corner.

The minutes ticked by as Sakura swam through the underwater world, her senses heightened, and her guard remained ever vigilant. The absence of danger created an unsettling tension that hung in the water like a shroud.

Then, the silence was shattered by a chorus of anguished screams. The cacophony of distress reached her ears, echoing through the watery depths. Sakura's heart raced, and a sense of urgency gripped her. Those cries, desperate and haunting, were unmistakable.

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