The mirror in the mountain

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Hello everyone.

So this is going to be a rewrite that I've been working on from Through the Looking Glass which is posted on Fanfiction. I wanted to finish the entire story before I posted but then I decided that it's going to take some time and instead of making new and old readers wait I would just put it on wattpad. 

I am not going to change the entire plot of the story of course, it will still maintain it's base from Fanfiction, but I am going to try and give it more structure and give it better quality than before. I now know more about the Naruto and Magi worlds and its characters as well as their capabilities, and I couldn't keep ignoring the mistakes I've made due to ignorance.

Special thanks to FanArtistchy for doing artwork of this story which can be seen on devianart, using this name or Katsura369 and looking at my favorites. This first chapter is dedicated to you! 




Fate was cruel, yes, but Sakura hadn't realized how much until the universe decided to teach her by kicking her out of her world and into another. One with magical vessel possessing beings known as djinns; dangerous treasure-filled buildings called dungeons and an infuriating yet interesting boy named Sinbad.

Chaos. The word itself had no stronghold of a definition; it would be incorrect to assume otherwise. Why? Because that would imply solidarity, a boundary of limitation, that did not exist with chaos. No base to keep it up, yet it stood, defying practicality and the principal of balance. It was what shaped life itself. That was the power of chaos. There was no prelude for the impact it would inflict or when, like standing in a blizzard without knowing it's cold and unable to change what would come next. That was true chaos. It turned tables, change it, reshapes its entire foundation, there was nothing that chaos could not do.

Nothing could define chaos and yet you would always know when it struck. And Sakura Haruno could only describe what had happened to her in the shortest possible period to be the work of chaos itself.

Within the four spaces of the carved sandstone, images protruding from the cracks of symbols to the left and right; and structures that were blurring with the shadow that crossed over them in an instant; conjoined with footstep which echoed lightly despite hammering against the floors, both hasty yet agile with practice, breaths coming out short but not labored with pain and difficulty. Excitement entering and exiting her mouth with the air and heat.

Her skin glistened with perspiration, that had less to do with her current and past motions but rather the environment that had conducted her actions and caused her senses to become frigid and stretch their arms so far the bones creaked from the strain.

At least she no longer had to be vigilant in terms of taking direction as there was only one passage that took different turns but not offering them simultaneously as it did before. That was irksome but merely a light breeze of discomfort in the bashing hurricane that had and continued to trail after her.

The heat was what she hated. Not even disliked. Her journey through the desert would have been like winter compared to this. Her red top, despite its light material, clung to her body with weighted moisture, keeping the heat pressed against her skin, the metal of her zipper sealing her top together burned her with the swaying back and forth motion from running, aside from her chest that was shielded by her second covering of fabric. She would have removed the top but did not want to feel anymore bare as the clothes on her back were all that had been brought with her when this unforeseen situation took her in its grasp.

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