Reunion in Sasan

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Hey everyone! It's good to be back. I don't know about you but it's been flooding on my side of the world. I've been trying to move along with the chapters at a steady pace now, of course there's been a pile up of work, especially since I'm moving to create more of my own stories. You'll be able to find out where those are available from Tumblr to keep up.

I hope you enjoy this chapter! And chapter sneak peaks at the end!

Sakura breathed a soft sigh of relief as her eyes settled on the towering structure that loomed in the distance. The landscape was barren, with the only sign of life being the ominous green mist that swirled around the tower's peak. The vegetation around the tower was withered and dead, as though it had been sucked of all life force. The ground was littered with the remains of dead animals, from small birds to larger predators like wolves.

"Seriously, the mirror transports us to this deserted land and this is the result?" Sitri's voice was laced with anxiety as she spoke.

Sakura's eyes glittered with a strong determination as she faced the towering structure. "We didn't come all this way just to turn back now. We'll keep going, one step at a time, until we conquer this dungeon and find our way back home."

She took a deep breath and began to make her way toward the tower, her heart beating with excitement and apprehension. The road ahead was uncertain and fraught with danger, but she knew that the reward at the end was worth the risk. With her loyal companions by her side, Sakura pushed forward, ready to face whatever lay ahead.




Sakura stepped through the shimmering portal and found herself in a maze of glowing plants. They glimmered in various colors, emitting a sweet scent that filled the air with a mystifying aura. The entire area was illuminated as if the light were coming from within the plants themselves. It was a stark contrast to the other dungeons she had conquered, where the environment was either barren or filled with darkness.

As she walked through the maze, Sakura couldn't help but feel both amazed and apprehensive at the same time. It was strange that there were no monsters in this dungeon, and there were no instructions on how to proceed. For someone who was used to overcoming obstacles and enemies, the lack of challenge felt eerie. But she didn't want to let her guard down; she knew that anything could happen, and it was better to be prepared for the unexpected.

Sakura looked up at the walls of the maze, which towered above her, and sighed. If only she could fly as she did with Beleth's dungeon, she could easily navigate through the maze. However, she was still learning how to control her djinn equip, and she wasn't quite able to harness its full power. As she attempted to scale the walls, she quickly realized that her chakra didn't seem to work there.

It was as if the maze itself was suppressing her abilities, leaving her with no choice but to walk.

Sakura continued through the maze, taking turns, and trying to keep track of where she was going. But as the twists and turns grew more confusing, she became aware that she was hopelessly lost. The maze seemed to stretch on infinitely, and Sakura could feel her nerves getting the better of her.

"This is worse than any of the other dungeons I've faced," she muttered to herself, frustrated. "I didn't even know it was a maze until after an hour."

Sakura knew that she needed to be patient and find the right path to the djinn. She had spent months training herself, both physically and mentally, for this moment. She wanted to be able to wield her djinn equip fully and be prepared for any situation. It was a power that could save her life and the lives of her comrades.

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