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Hello! Am I the only one feeling like 2023 is kicking their behinds? Hope this chapter will calm your nerves and give you a break from reality. I've gotten into a new writing schedule so that I can finish editing this story and get to the next part soon.

When Sakura first discovered she was trapped in another world, she thought of nothing but returning to her own, then she met a boy who captured her interest. With that she strayed from her path to walk alongside him; determined to help him achieve his goals while she began to integrate into this world; she started forgetting the reason she was here-she was forgetting that she was trapped. Finally, the fact that she would never truly belong here hit her, and in shame-filled she abandoned those she had grown close to continue with her journey, alone with no distractions.

After she left the city of Naporlia in Reim; Sakura opened her eyes and found herself in what she would describe as the middle of nowhere, a forest where it appeared no man has ever treaded before; with no clear path out. However, she knew that there had to be a dungeon somewhere in the area. It has been four days already of traveling through the dense forest and while beautiful it was also very deadly. The animals didn't take kindly to intruders but then again Sakura was no ordinary intruder and while she did her best to respect the forest; she would do whatever it took to survive. She had been in the forest many times before and could make due even when she had nothing on her. During the day she traveled; managing to make great distances thanks to her ninja abilities; she would stay in the trees to keep watch out for any huge tower that could pass for a dungeon.

At night, however, Sakura rested, she would make a fire, eat, and sleep replenished for the following day.

Once again when she used the power of the Looking Glass, all she carried was the clothes on her back and her djinn. Of course, when she thought back she realized that she didn't have anything else, other than the clothes Sakura had left behind in Reim there was nothing else, she didn't have any trinkets and such-well except for the hairpin she had gotten as a gift from Sinbad that had gone with her as it was still in her hair at the time. When she was there she never even thought about those things because she was so busy helping with the company.

"You are not a very materialistic person are you my king?" asked Beleth

"Hmm; I'm not sure about that perhaps it's only in this world since I won't be able to enjoy it for very long." Sakura said before munching on an apple "It's not like I can take things back with me."

"Why do you think that?"

Sakura shrugged this time "I'm not sure; maybe I don't want any reminders that I was ever here."

"What about me? Surely you don't intend to leave me behind once you return?"

She started laughing out loud "Oh I didn't think about that but no, I couldn't leave you behind. You are in the headband of my village. Say, is it possible to give you to someone else?"

"I beg your pardon?"

"Is it possible to give you away to someone else and let them use your power?"

"That I am uncertain and please do not sound so casual about discarding me, I do feel pain," Beleth answered honestly and then he asked.

"I was only teasing Beleth," Though power could corrupt, Sakura relished in the new abilities the djinn offered her and she had come to see the entity as a friend. He offered her advice and kept her loneliness at bay. She could never trade him in for anything.

"Do you not miss them?"

Sakura sat up a little straighter at the question, there hadn't been mention of Sinbad or his companions since she left but it seemed that that was a temptation topic that couldn't be resisted for long.

Through the Looking Glass (A Magi and Naruto crossover fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant