Welcome to Reim

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Hello everyone, I'm finally back with the next chapter. Things have not been slowing down for me as I started writing my own stories, while pondering more fan fiction and needing to work. It's chaotic. Hope you enjoy this chapter!


Reim was a capital of riches and trade, a flourishing nation that attracted tourists with its vast entertainment and hosting. At least that's what Sakura was told when she asked about the country. It had also been at war with Parthevia, Sinbad's home country. The fact didn't deter his determination to enter the market.

Preparations for such a journey were tedious, from Imuchakk to Reim would be a voyage of several months at sea. Sinbad wanted to leave as quickly as possible, so they only had the morning to prepare for setting out. It meant rushing along the docks to unload the cargo for trade and the supplies for their journey.

"I think you should've at least given them a day, would it be so bad to set sail the next morning?" Sakura grumbled, moving along the massive pots boiling under the fire.

"No, but I want to set sail as soon as possible. Are you already packed?"

"I don't have anything to pack."

"So what are you doing?" Sinbad peered over her shoulder to see the pot stewing with steam. "Milk?"

"I'm making powdered milk." When Sakura realized that they were going to be on the sea for months, she went to work on preserving certain supplies so they would last that long. The technology in her world was more advance than this one, but she was familiar with traveling by ship and the preparations that needed to be made.

"Powdered milk?" Sakura got a small bag of finished powdered milk and showed it to Sinbad.

"It will last longer like this, and you just have to put it in water."

"Wow!" Sinbad's eyes sparkled looking at the powder. "I think a few of the villagers wanted to give some gifts, do you wanna come with when you're finished?"



Sakura made sure Sinbad didn't drag his feet in the snow, because he had to help with the loading, and their so-called villagers, were mostly women who wanted to bid him farewell personally. It was just squeals, tearful cries, and not so discrete fondling on Sinbad's end. Until Sakura finally decided to drag him, literally by the back of his collar to the ship.

"Next time, I'll just sit back.'


The crew was limited to, Sakura, Sinbad, Ja'far, Mahad, Vittel, Hinahoho, and his new bride Rurumu. It was hard for Sakura to contain her shock at Hinahoho's spouse. He boasted that she was the most beautiful and talented woman in Imuchakk, and her perceptions had warped her imagination of a dainty woman, with a soft-spoken voice and head-turning beauty because Hinahoho fought beyond his limits to gain her approval as her husband.

Rurumu in the flesh was about a head taller than Hinahoho, her body was feminine but with a strong build and muscles, her hair looked like soft waves of the sea, her eyes a deep gold. Sakura was quick to realize why Hinahoho was entranced by this woman. Her presence was strong, but she was also quite kind and the impression Sakura had on their first meeting was this was someone she would admire as well.


The seas were unpredictable, working with the skies, the winds, and the clouds to determine its disposition. It was like a pleasant friend when the sun would beat down on them and was washed away with the ocean breeze and spray of the waves. Other times the sea was like an unpleasant neighbor beating on your door when the clouds were gray, and the winds were strong.

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