Sinbad and Sakura alone in Reim

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Hello everyone, it's good to be back! I wasn't able to update on time because the power in my house has been turned off. I'm trying to get the remake of this story finished so that I can follow through with the sequel I took down. There is a long line of projects following that I hope to share with you all at a later date.

Hope you enjoy this chapter

"How could you not think to take provisions for yourself?! What were you planning on doing about lodging and food?"

Sakura wouldn't say she was cursed, certainly, she's had bad experiences but that was life. And she wouldn't call it misfortune, not in comparison to her friends. Even being brought to this world, she hadn't thought herself tragically cursed, just unfortunate for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Or rather being drawn to the wrong place.

She was close to the edge, however, because after being swindled along with the rest of Sinbad's crew and choosing to stay behind with him in Reim, had already taken a turn for the worst. First, Sinbad had sent all the profits they made for their stock with their comrades, so they had nothing to cover food and lodging. Other than three measly copper coins Sinbad had in the back of his pocket. Sakura didn't think to take anything because the treasure was rightfully Sinbad's from the dungeon.

Now she wished she had demanded compensation. Because being stuck with Sinbad was already turning out to be more detrimental to her than she expected.

"We'll be fine." He assured her. "Don't wear such a sour look, you'll crease your charming forehead,"

She curled her lip back, tapping her forehead much to Sinbad's amusement. "You've got to figure out how to get permission to trade in Reim before the others get back, not to mention you were just thoroughly ripped off yet you're still so cheerful."

The stars were out and bright, but none shone like Sinbad's smile as he ushered Sakura through the crowds of the shopping district like he had been here before. Even at this time of night the streets were alive and vibrant with chatter and lit with torches.

"It'll be alright, trust me. Instead of worrying about that, let's go get dinner first,"

"I don't know how you're assuming we'll be able to get dinner with low-value coin." She wasn't annoyed by the fact that they probably weren't going to be able to eat. Because she could endure that for days without feeling, but what got under her skin was his carelessness. Sinbad was certain that despite this setback, they were going to reach their goal.

It's as if he had no sense of failing. Even if he didn't know how to reach his destination or what the weather might bring, he would always arrive.

"Let's go over here," He pulled her by her wrist across the roads. There was little concern for safety from either of them.

A commotion drew their attention away from their problems and towards a stall, with an owner that was accusing someone of stealing his merchandise. It was easy to identify the individual from his height despite the cloak, it was the same person that had conned Sinbad. She was content to just watch the scene unfold, but Sinbad stepped up when the merchant raised his hand.

"Stop it."

The man looked at Sinbad shocked. "What? A child? Mind your own business!"

Sinbad raised his hand, but not in retaliation, he took the coins from his pocket and placed them in the palm of the merchant. "Take these as a token of apology even though it's not much. Merchandise is the lifeline of merchants. I apologize in place of this man for treating your merchandise carelessly."

That seemed to pacify the shop owner, and he let them be and Sinbad turned to the man.

"Are you alright?"

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