Two Dungeon Conquerors: First Meeting

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Okay, so I know it's been a really long time since I've updated this story but have been working on it and currently life has put me in a difficult a tough position where I cant' afford to spend a lot of time writing. 

Anyway hope you enjoy this chapter! 


Despite the harsh conditions of this land of snow, there was a thriving community hidden within its icy depths. Sakura learned this as she allowed the men to lead her into their village. She didn't struggle, wanting to understand her situation before counter-attacking. Even as she was taken, the men handled her with caution, like she was a thin glass doll. To them, she might as well have been. They didn't seem to perceive her as a threat when they realized she was just one lonely girl whom they towered over.

They took her to their village. The outskirts were decorated with curved items protruding from the ground, appearing to be horns of some large creatures. The buildings were of sturdy wood, likely to accommodate those people of such large structure, the only warmth she could feel came from the torches surrounding the area, carving paths like beacons. The people didn't seem bothered by the harsh environment, while their clothing consisted of pelts and fur were still far from suited to the weather, exposing skin that would give ordinary people hypothermia.

She was taken into one of the larger buildings, and it was like stepping into another climate as the warmth seeped into her body.

While she hadn't put up a fight, she had been prying for information about her situation. It was divulged that she was going to the chief's home but nothing about where she was. Despite being seen as a none existent threat, they were curious as she was about how she appeared in their homeland.

"Chief," The warrior greeted with respect, lowering their heads. "We followed that light and found this girl just outside the village borders,"

Sakura craned her neck as far as she could to look into the chief's sharp eyes. He towered over the men, his figure taller and broader, a scar running along with the wrinkles on his face adding to his intimidation, and being an uninvited visitor wasn't helping the look of hostility she received.

'Maybe I should have put up a fight,' Though she would have liked to get more information about where she was.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Sakura Haruno. I'm a traveler,"

"We do not take kindly to trespassers,"

"I didn't know I was trespassing,"

She couldn't explain that the reason she trespassed was probably because of a magic mirror; she couldn't bring herself to believe the truth, so how could she convince others of the truth. The best outcome would be a peaceful resolution with these people so she could get more information on her location and have somewhere more hospitable to stay while she figured out how to leave.

"A traveler?" With the Chief covering her line of vision, Sakura wasn't able to see the other inhabitants of the house she was in until they stepped in line with him.

There were two more figures, a male and female, with the same gigantic physique. The other male appeared much younger, with long blue hair tied back in a ponytail covering his amber eyes. The girl had short hair and a wider set of the same eyes, giving a jovial effect to her face, but with her height, it was a bit difficult for Sakura to guess her age as she easily towered over her.

The girl looked at the pinkette and then glanced over her shoulder, "Sinbad, this girl's a traveler just like you,"

"Oh really?"

Through the Looking Glass (A Magi and Naruto crossover fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang