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Hello everyone! So it has been a hectic month, but I am moving as we all have to. There will be a new update schedule on my tumblr And there will be some highlights at the bottom of this chapter which I hope you will enjoy!

Sakura froze and turned her head to the side looking at the table where Sinbad, Ja'far, and Hinahoho were. None had noticed her presence yet and she had been determined to keep it that way. But when she was about to leave, Mystras also just arrived and noticed her first. Flustered, Sakura hid behind some wine barrels, joining the young apprentice knight.

"Sakura, what are we doing?" Mystras sounded like a mouse.

"Why are you here?" She didn't make plans to meet with him today.

"I-I saw these new travelers here today so I followed them."

Sakura pulled a face "Oh please don't tell me you mean-

"Look that's them over there," he pointed to the three familiar figures "I saw them in town earlier; they were trying to talk to my father but the knights pulled them back so I followed them here, I've never seen people like them before!"

"They were trying to talk to the Knight King?" Sakura asked, it didn't take long for her to figure that Sinbad was most likely here to establish a trading relationship with Sasan.

"Sinbad, there are plenty of countries that are trading with Reim already," she pointed "But what you need is an edge over the competition."

"I think I get what you're saying," Sinbad said "We should establish commerce with those few countries that isolate themselves like Imuchakk. That way we're ahead of other companies."

"What about this one?" Sakura asked pointing to a certain location on the map in front of them "Sasan; already appears to trade with Reim but they haven't allowed other countries to trade with them. Why not start there? It's also the closest."

'Stupid!' Sakura mentally slapped herself when she realized that she and Sinbad had planned for this over a year ago.

Mystras's rambling broke Sakura from her thoughts "They all look so young! I wonder if they have interesting stories like you Sakura!"

Sakura grimaced when she saw the excited glimmer in Mystras's eyes; of course, he had a natural curiosity about the world that everyone else in Sasan lacked.

She didn't understand how people expected to grow if they kept themselves isolated all for the sake of preserving their way of life. Although she admired Mystras's efforts to learn more about the world, this time his curiosity was something that could prove to be problematic for herself.

After all, how would you react if you saw someone you stayed with for nearly an entire year and then vanished for another year without so much as a warning or goodbye?

"It's weird, that one guy with the blue hair....he looks a lot like those people you described in one of your stories Sakura, remember the one about the land of ice?"

Mystras was told about the largely built people in the icy barren land of Imuchakk; things were working in full circle right now as her past came back just to bite her.

If Msytras spoke to them and asked to hear Sinbad's tales, which he enjoyed doing in pastimes, then Mystras might connect the dots that linked Sakura with the Sindria trading company.

'And that means he'll confront me'

In a swift motion, Sakura pinned Msytras against the wall, holding him firmly by his shoulders which startled the young knight. His face became as red as his hair. He had never been this close to a girl before as religion forbids Sasan men from actually looking women in the eye. All he could see right now though was Sakura's powerful green eyes.

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