God behind man-Man behind God

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Hello everyone! We're going through 2023 and I'd like to believe progress is being made. Of course it's not over yet and there are still plenty of things to come. I just hope my sanity can hold on. For all the short comings, this could be a good year for anime at least.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Sakura knew Sinbad to have a loose tongue, and to be bold, but even she was surprised by his declaration against the Knight King.

"If you win, you can take care of me as you like."

Stepping away from Sinbad and moving past Darius, Sakura went to Mystras and began healing his injuries.

Mystras coughed "Has Sinbad lost his mind?! He cannot defeat my father!"

Sakura smiled "Don't worry about Sinbad, he may be a bit devious, perverted beyond belief, and weird beyond comprehension but he's dependable when you need him."

"I heard that." Sinbad glared at her, to which Sakura responded with a curt smile.

"What is your goal?" Darius asked.

Sinbad looked at Mystras, "I'll take him and you have to deal with my trading company."

Mutters were going all around again from the knights, everyone was surprised that some outsider was challenging their king. Sakura figured out the angle Sinbad was working here, the people of this country believed that the djinn's power was exclusively for them but the two of them had created doubt by showing off their own djinns power and there would be questions about their religious beliefs not just the power of god but everything that Sasan stands for.

"Well, what do you say? Will you accept to fight me?"

The Knight King narrowed his eyes at Sinbad "You are a kind man. Especially if you are a trader from the outside world." Darius looked at his son. "He is an apprentice who has lost a fight; I don't care what happens to him. However, I cannot let a stranger meddle in the affairs of this country. I accept your challenge."

Mystras attempted to intervene again, "Don't do it, Sinbad! No attack can beat my father. He is protected by a wall, in addition, the stronger the power of the attacks the stronger the counterattacks, he-

"Mystras," Sakura slapped her hand over his mouth, "I told you didn't? You have nothing to worry about; Sinbad's not the kind of person to pick a fight he believes he can't win."

Sinbad grinned back at Sakura "Well that's a surprise. You still have my back, even after turning away from me? I knew you couldn't resist me,"

"Then again, his arrogance is bound to cause his downfall at some point so I'd keep my fingers crossed," she added quickly turning away from him while Sinbad gaped at her and looked like he was about to retort.

"But this time he appears to have a plan so I wouldn't worry."

"You're still the same after all huh Sakura?" asked Hinahoho with a sly grin on his face that made her a little more than suspicious.

With a fierce glint in his eye, Sinbad made the first move, lunging forward to clash swords with Darius. The metallic ring of their weapons echoed through the room as the two combatants engaged in a furious exchange, their movements fluid and precise. Despite the intensity of the battle, neither one had yet unleashed the full power of their djinns, and they fought with only their physical prowess.

Suddenly, Darius saw an opening and launched a swift attack at Sinbad, but the nimble swordsman was able to dodge the strike with ease. With a graceful leap, Sinbad propelled himself high into the air, holding his sword aloft as a brilliant star materialized above him.

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