Dealing with Slave Traders

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Hello everyone! Since starting this new schedule, I have thankfully been able to get to work on all my stories and will soon be able to catch up on things. I am also starting something else for these stories, but for that you can check out my tumblr for more info.

Hope you enjoy this chapter!

Nearly a year since she had been in this new world and there were still so many concepts that eluded her or were just barely understandable. And after conquering Sitri's dungeon it became apparent to her just how important that kind of knowledge was. She wanted to know more about djinn, rukh, and magic. That was the only way she could learn more about the looking glass that brought her here.

'And that voice I heard.'

"Are the rukh those golden birds I keep seeing?" Sakura asked after a short period; she recalled seeing those things quite a few times especially when she was with Sinbad.

"Yes," Beleth said "They are my king,"

"You must be very special yourself if you can see them."

Sakura shrugged before moving her arms and stretching her legs trying to feel for any more signs of pain. "While I wonder what that means, it's more important for me to get back to my world,"

"I wonder though," Sitri began "If you died in this world, where would you go?"

"SITRI!" Beleth yelled. His voice echoed through Sakura's ears. It was an amazing concept of demons in your head.


Though Sitri's tone did not hold any signs of seriousness or true thought; it was something that would stick with Sakura. A sense of dread; even in death she would not belong to this world therefore where would she go?

And then there was the Looking Glass. Sakura wanted to find Yunan, he was the one who knew about this magical item. When she brought him up, her djinn's seemed to clamp down and the voices would become quiet. That was an indication she was missing some sort of significance to the so-called traveler and had met.

She hoped their paths would somehow cross again.




It had been days since conquering her second dungeon, and the Looking Glass did not react, leaving her stranded in a desert land. She knew that she should work to recover. After using her djinn equip, Sakura was met with a new degree of fatigue as if she had lost all the chakra in her body. When that happened it usually meant a person was on the edge of death, but in this case, her magoi was depleted. She still struggled to control that power, but she felt that it was a great one.

It really was worthy of being called the power of kings.

Sakura's skin was burned from the desert sun, sweat dripped down her forehead' the good news was that she didn't have to carry all those sacks of treasure that were brought out of the dungeon with her. She discovered an interesting dungeon item that according to Sitri was called a vortex bag, which was small in appearance but Sitri explained that the space inside of it was infinite meaning Sakura was able to store all of the treasure inside.

That was one load off but the infinite treasure wasn't doing much for Sakura in terms of dehydration-unless of course she found an inn in the middle of the desert.

She started at a speedy chakra-filled pace after just getting out of the forest but as time passed she was doing her best to conserve her energy, it wasn't that she was tired but she didn't know just how far she would have to travel before she got out of the desert. And her survival training advised her to conserve energy.

Through the Looking Glass (A Magi and Naruto crossover fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن