Country of Women

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Hello wonderful readers! Well September has been a monsoon of a month for me, how about you guys? And now we're about to enter into the month of pumpkins, treats and tricks. Hope these chapters gives the best kick into the new month. Enjoy!

Sakura had known the struggle of working hard to become stronger, the blood, sweat, and tears put into everything you did to succeed, but no matter how many times she endured it, the ordeal didn't get easier. It had taken a lot of long hours of practice and training for Sakura to figure out how to do a full djinn equip, first using her magoi to bring about this equip, then finding a way to transform her entire body (sometimes resulting in a half transformation), then after she had to learn the advance abilities of her djinns that took even more effort. However after an entire year, she had mastered three djinn equips, the transformation, and abilities of each djinn were in her hands, and could do incredible things that would without a doubt be of help for her journey; Beleth was by far the most powerful, Stolas granted two elements and Sitri gave her incredible speed and she was able to control them all perfectly, but there was only one problem that she could not remedy.

"Dammit, why'd Sitri's djinn equip have to be so...." Sakura glanced at her form. "Breezy,"

Sitri's djinn transformation was captivating, to say the least. It took Sakura's short pink hair and turned it into a mesmerizing cascade of light blue strands, each strand seemingly imbued with the sky.

It had a regal elegance. A tapestry of white feathers, delicately held together by intricate golden piping, wrapped around her torso and breasts. Her lower half was swathed in a diaphanous white fabric, flowing down exposing her thighs. It billowed softly with each step she took. Adorning her feet were delicate bands of golden lacing, their metallic hue twisting and winding around her slender legs.

Resting atop her head, Sakura wore a small but resplendent tiara, nestled just above her third eye.

In her grasp, Sakura carried a magnificent spear, its shaft gleaming white. As one's gaze traveled down the length of the weapon, one would be captivated by a subtle twist that occurred just before it reached the blade. Feathers sprouted from the spear's sides, their iridescent plumes fluttering gently as if touched by a gentle breeze. The spear possessed an air of strength and grace, its presence commanding respect and admiration.

Sakura used this djinn equip to travel in the skies of her new location.




The members of the Sindria trading company took off from Sasan with their new addition and representative of Sasan; Mystras and were off on a new voyage.

Sinbad looked out at the mountains as they sailed further from Sasan; they already had their next destination set before they would be heading back to the company; where he'd probably have a workload piled high. The road to becoming a king wasn't an easy one.

Since Sakura left there had to be some changes to ensure that business went as usual, which included Sinbad needing to pick up the slack. While everyone knew Sakura played her part in the company was only after her disappearance that everyone saw just how big a role she played. Granted the first few weeks he focused on finding her because although he knew about Sakura's mission, he didn't think she would just up and leave without so much as a goodbye.

Sinbad was pacing back and forth in the room, it had been more than twenty-four hours since Sakura went missing; he hadn't seen her since yesterday. When he woke up it wasn't from hearing Sakura's voice yelling at him to get his lazy ass out of bed, he thought she was already working but as the day went on he found that she wasn't with Vittel and Ja'far doing admin, with Mahad and Hinahoho restocking or with Rurumu for lessons, she wasn't anywhere to be found and by the end of the day Sinbad had become frantic, after confirming with everyone that she hadn't been seen all day he immediately sent out a search party for her, he joined in as well going to all the places he believed she would go with no luck.

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