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It's good to be back! I know I haven't been updating as frequently, I wish I could do it faster but I am handling a lot of writing at once. Including new projects, because my brain can't stay still. Hope you enjoy this chapter!

Being tied to their schedule, Sakura and Sinbad missed a lot of Reim's wonders and had barely taken a tour. That's probably how they were able to miss the Coliseum, or they might have found another means to make ends meet.

The coliseum looked like a monumental center of the city, and yet it was overlooked so easily by Sakura and Sinbad as they couldn't see through their deadline and profit. It was an imposing structure, covered in travertine stone slabs, elliptic in shape, with several floors, the first three holding eight arches, decorated with statues. In the center, a ring where spectators could view from every angle above, the fights and the performances.

Everyone shoulder to shoulder, a few holding onto the fliers and anticipating the promise it made to give them a close view of dungeon conquerers.

The excitement in the air and a lot of doubt for those in Reim that haven't heard the stories. Doubt was expected though considering that the advertisement for the performance mentioned Two dungeon Conquerors revealing their stories to the world.

"I wonder if this will be real?"

"The program looks like it was put together in a rush." A man said holding the flier in his hand.

"There are many scammers after all; it may be a hoax"

"If it's something silly I'll just leave."

The crowd fell silent in awe when they felt the sudden chill in the air, specs of snow fell from the sky, a given miracle as there wasn't supposed to be any snow this time of year.

"WELCOME," Voices called out to them, clearly male and female "To the great adventure theatre!"

Everyone looked up on the top of the wall of the theatre where two figures appeared, their silhouettes taking form in the light.

Sinbad drew his sword and unleashed a bolt of lightning into the air startling the audience before dazzling them as they watched the snow fall like small crystals thanks to the lightning being reflected by the snow.

Sakura spoke loudly, "Tonight, we'll tell the story...

"Of two young dungeon conquerors; whose paths have come to cross...

Sakura unleashed Beleth's dark flames using them to move with complete control and morph into the shape of a giant bird before flying over the heads of the audience and lighting the torches.

"We hope that you'll enjoy it; until the very end!"

That night, Sinbad and Sakura's first stage performance reached the hearts of thousands and would continue to drive in more in the following days. The audience was very excited as they heard about the tales of the dungeons and witness the power of djinns. Everyone there said there had never been a play or choral symphony of hundreds that could have matched this performance.

The dungeon conqueror's reputation spread beyond Naporlia and to the borders of Reim and days, later people from many places began to come and line up outside the theatre. Just like that; they stopped being strangers to this city.

Sakura sighed happily she leaned back in her seat; after the theatre performance, they were taken to Rashid's carriage. Sakura was sitting opposite Sinbad and the king of Balbadd.

"Performing is actually quite taxing."

"It was all a success though" Rashid pointed out

Sinbad smiled "It's all thanks to sensei who recommended we do it."

Through the Looking Glass (A Magi and Naruto crossover fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now