Arteymyra's unexpected Guests

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Hello everyone! Finally back. We're reaching the finish line of 2023 soon, and I don't know about you but at times I feel like we're not at the point we wanted to be. But there's always another day and another step to take forward.

That's something I keep telling myself, especially when I'm not as far with my stories as I may have wanted to be.

I hope this chapter brightens up your day! Enjoy!

Sinbad's eyes widened in awe as he took in the breathtaking scenery before him. The ship sailed through a vast ravine, surrounded by towering rock walls. Completely absorbed in the mesmerizing sights, both he and Mystras failed to register Ja'far's incessant reminders about making preparations for their arrival in the kingdom of Artemyra. After a year of correspondence, they had finally gained permission to enter the country. Rurumu had handled most of the negotiations, leaving Sinbad to fulfill his duty as the head of Sindria Trading Company and meet with the leader of Artemyra.

Concerned, Ja'far watched his great leader, who seemed lost in a tourist-like trance. "It's so hot here," Hinahoho complained, fanning himself in an attempt to cool down.

Noticing movement above the boat, Mystras gazed up and gasped at the silhouette of a bird hovering in the sky. "A bird?" he questioned aloud.

Sinbad placed a hand on his hip, squinting at the creature. "It looks like a bird, but..." As the majestic creature drew nearer, Sinbad's eyes widened in realization. "It's huge!"

The bird spanned a width greater than that of the boat, and to their surprise, two girls sat atop it. The girls noticed the Sindria crew and approached, drawing alongside the boat.

"Well, isn't that rare?" one of the girls remarked. "Travelers from the outside."

The second girl sitting behind the first waved friendly greetings. "Hey there!"

Mystras clasped his hands together, a blush coloring his cheeks. "Amazing! Pretty girls!"

The first girl called out to them, her voice cheerful. "If you manage to reach Artemyra safely, we can have some fun."

Concern creased their brows as the second girl continued, "But what will happen to you? A few days ago, we saw some utterly exhausted men. But we believe in you, so good luck."

A sly smirk graced Sinbad's face. "Yes, we understand. So, wait for us tonight."

The girls blushed, their words tumbling in flustered response. "Are you an idiot? We weren't serious."

With that, they took off, leaving Sinbad and his crew behind. Sinbad watched their departure with a mischievous grin. "Well, this trip just got a little more interesting."

Lost in his thoughts and still gazing out at the scenery, Sinbad suddenly yelped in pain as Ja'far smacked him on the back of his head. "Ja'far!"

"Don't even think about it," the young boy warned, his voice laced with authority. "You're not going to cause trouble for us before we even reach our destination. Quit daydreaming."

Sinbad interjected quickly, his words flowing before he could fully comprehend them. "I was just thinking about how good those outfits would look on Sakura!"

Ja'far rolled his eyes, unimpressed. "Of course, that's what I understood when you spoke with those girls. What do you think Sakura would say if she saw you behaving like that?"

"It was harmless flirting," Sinbad protested, raising his hands defensively. "I would never—"

"Spare me the lies," Ja'far retorted, holding up a hand. He sighed, his voice tinged with longing. "If Sakura were still here, she'd be able to keep you in check, and I wouldn't have to deal with you and your tendencies as much... I really miss her."

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