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Hi my little Demons! I'm back! I'm so sorry the last part took so long to update! I made a few days ago, but I was having some issues with my account, so it didn't post. Enjoy this extra update, and I love you! Oh also, I'm reading through last chapter, and just now realizing how many misspellings it had and how messy it was, so I'm sorry about that too :) (If you have any recommendations for the story, please comment or Dm me, and I'll try my best to work it in!)

3rd person:

Angel was very excited to find out about Alastor's past life, and how he was in fact a very popular serial killer. "Okay, who was your fist victim?" Alastor was happy Angel was happy, but did kind of want to find out more on why he was in such bad shape. "Let's see... My first victim was around 1916 I believe. I had just started Radio, and it was Hetty Green." Angel covered his mouth. "How? I mean she died in New York, for starters." Angel wanted to know more, but was slowly getting worried that he was bothering Alastor. "I was sent there for a job. The people of New Orleans wanted to hear about more business and things like stocks. I wasn't very old at the time, no more than 16. All I really remember is talking with her, and feeling a sudden sense of rage. Next thing I know, I'm poisoning her tea during a break at our interview." Angel sat there in silence for a moment. "That's-" Alastor finished his sentence. "Awful, I know." Angel looked at his torn up eyes. "I was gonna say amazing-" Alastor smiled. "Thank you dear. Now my turn to ask a question." Angel's widened. "Hey that wasn't apart of the deal!" Alastor shook his head. "You wanna hear more about my murders, don't you?" Angel let out a small humph. "That's what I thought. Now tell me dear, where did you live?" Angel walked around the bed, and went to lay on the other side. "New York." Alastor laughed. "And you call me crazy." Angel was a bit thrown back, but laughed along. "Hey, it wasn't up to me!" Angel said laughing. "Fair." They both calmed down before Angel asked his next question. "We're you married?" Alastor's smile widened. "Why yes I was." Angel's smile faded. "Oh, really? That's nice." Angel was kind of hurt, and didn't want to play the question game anymore. "I was married to my work. Well my work and killing. Does that count?" Alastor tried to keep a straight face, but it was pretty hard. "I- You know what Smile's-" Angel started to snicker, and Al took that as an okay to go ahead and laugh along. "My turn now dear." Alastor said. "When we're you born, and when did you die?" Angel moved around on his side of the bed to get more comfy, which Alastor noticed. "Sorry dear, but did you move?" Angel giggled a bit. "Sorry Smiles, I forgot. Here, would you like some help turning around?" Alastor shook his head sheepishly. "Alright, here we go-" Angel hoisted Al's feet onto the bed, and helped get propped up. "Thank you dear. Now for the question?" Angel thought for a minute. "You know, now that I think about it, I never knew when I was born neither. I mean I came from the mob, so that makes sense, but I never noticed that before. Well, I was born around the same time you we're, probably a bit later though. All I really know about my age other than that is I died in an old apartment I was renting of an overdose in 1947 in my 30s. From the looks of it, I was in my mid 30s and you died in 1933 right? So if we we're born in the same little time slot there, you we're either about the same, or a little younger. Either way, we both died in shitty was, in crappy situations, in a fucked up time of our lives. Sorry, I didn't mean to go off and rant like that." Angel laughed nervously. "No, it's alright. I actually quite enjoyed it." Angel blushed, and was even kind of glad Alastor couldn't see at that moment.

They traded stories, questions, and answers as best as they could for what seemed like hours. "Oh wow." Angel said. "What is it dear?" Alastor 'looked' right over at Angel. "It's almost 8. And hey, your getting better at looking without eyes." Alastor smiled and laughed. "Well thank you. As for the time, what time did we get up?" Angel looked back at the clock. "Uhh I got up at 4:30 and took a shower. I'm assuming I woke you up around that time." Alastor chuckled. "You a fun person to talk with, Dear." Angel smiled. "Thanks, Smiles." They sat there in silence for a moment, before Angel spoke up. "Hey, I have one more question if you don't mind." Alastor nodded, and gave one of those tired hums. "Why do you smile all the time." All of a sudden, Alastor felt his stomach turn. "My mother used to tell me that you never fully dressed without one. I thought I told you this when I first came." Angel shrugged. "I don't know. I was a bit drunk, so I probably wasn't paying much attention." Alastor sighed. "I see. Well if it's any consolation, I think you've improved-" Al stopped talking when Angel rested his head on his chest. "Do you mind if I lay here for a while?" Alastor gave a soft smile, and nodded. "Thanks. Let me know if anything starts to hurt or change." Angel said right before he fell asleep. Alastor followed closely behind.

Around 10:30, Alastor woke up with Angel's head in his lap. He didn't mind much, nor did he care. He looked over at the time. "Well would you look at that. It's 10:32. I haven't slept that late... Well ever I don't think." Alastor slowly shook Angel awake. "Come on dear, it's time to get up." Angel opened his eyes and looked up at Al. "Okay fine. Hey wait, your eyes- You can see!" Alastor looked around, then back at Angel. "Well would you LOOK at that." Angel had propped his head up on his head. "Oh my Lucifer-" He said dropping his head. Alastor just laughed. "Would you mind checking my back and chest? Just to make sure everything's back to normal?" Angel nodded and pulled Al's shirt up. At that moment, Niffty walked in, to wake Angel up. Neither of the demons saw her though. Angel took one of his pointer fingers, and gently touched small scar. "Did you have this before?" Alastor nodded. "Well other than that, your front's fine. Now turn around." Alastor did as Angel said and turned around. "WAIT I'M RIGHT HERE PELASE DON'T DO IT!" Angel and Alastor both looked at each other, than over a Niffty. "We weren't gonna-" Angel started to say. "HUSK, GIRLS GET OVER HERE!" Niffty yelled at the top of her lungs, and shortly after, everyone came. "What seems to be the problem Niffty?" Charlie said jogging up to Angel's room, with Vaggie trailing close behind. Niffty pointed at Angel and Al on the bed. Husk showed up before anyone could say anything. "Well, well, well. The Radio demon got himself a slut" He joked. Angel rolled his eyes. "Very mature Husk." Charlie didn't take it so easy though. "HUSK! THAT IS NO WAY TO TALK ABOUT EITHER OF THEM! I'M SURE THERE'S A REASONABLE EXPLANATION FOR THIS!" Vaggie wrapped her arms around one of Charlies. "Calm down sweetie." Charlie took a deep breath. "Sorry Husk. Now, Angel would you like to explain what's going on here?" Alastor's eyes darted between Angel and the small group of demons at the door. "Sure, why not. Alright, so Smiles here came into my room around 5:30 6-ish this morning, complaining about a pain in his back and chest, so I invited him in, and took a look. We chatted for a while, then he fell asleep on the bed, and long story short, he had a long night, came here for a bit of back pain, and took a nap. When Niffty came in, I was just checking his chest and back, being a satisfactory friend, making sure he wasn't still hurting. Happy?" Everyone was silent. "Well thank you for the explanation, Angel. And Niffty, next time knock before you barge in, okay?" Charlie said. Niffy gave a nod and ran off to clean. "Thanks Charles." Angel said with a little wink. "No problem. Now come on, let them finish up." Charlie smiled and closed the door behind them. "Thank you, dear. But, where did that come from?" Angel looked over at Alastor. "My dad used to barge into me and my sister's room because of some sort of pain, and would end up sleeping on one of our beds." Al went back to a bit of a less creppy smile. "You have a sister?" Angel nodded. "Twin actually, and an older brother." Alastor gave him a surprised look. "What? I have family, you know?" Alastor pretended to be thrown back. "Well I do now." Angel gave him a cute little confused but funny face. "That's it!" Angel exclaimed. "What's it?" Alastor started putting his jacket and shoes back on. "I know how to figure out what happened to you." Al started tying his shoe. "How?" Angel hopped off his bed. "We need to call my sister."

Hey! I didn't expect this chapter to be as long as it was! I hope you enjoyed! (What did you think of the spaced out paragraphs? Would you like me to keep doing them?) Well I love you my little demons! 'til next time <3

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