Welcome to Earth!

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Hello! I have nothing to say, but thank you for all of the support! I love you all!!!

3rd person:

"Why would you do this?" Angel growled. "Because Annie, you serve no purpose to me. You only come to visit me when you need something, and we only ever text when you need help getting out of dad's shit, but that hasn't been an issue In decades!" Molly snapped back. "When do we transport?" Alastor asked, ever so calmly. "In about an hour." Molly chirped. "Of course! We don't even have time to go back to the hotel and tell everyone." Angel remarked. "I might be able to teleport us out," Alastor said. "Impossible, red. I have this place covered in lithophyllum. All powers are defective in here." Molly stated. Angel and Al looked up, only to see the ceiling covered in all sorts of elements. "What the hell...?" Angel whispered. "Everything you see benefits me in some sort of way. For example, the ruthenium there will stop anything and anyone in this place from being tracked. So, no one will even know your here!" Molly does a little dance and looks over at her computer. "Oopsie! I had a miscalculation. You guys won't arrive in an hour...You'll arrive in 5 minutes." Angel widened his eyes. "What-" He didn't get to finish his sentence before he fell into Al's lap, starting his transport. "Angel! No darling, please don't-" Alastor passes out. Both of their transformations have begun.

Angel woke up with a jolt. "Oh no. Please no." Angel looks at his hand. "This can't be happening...Smiles?" Angel stands up. "Woah. I don't remember being THIS short." Angel looks down. "Like the clothes though." He had a white button-up with a pink skirt. To go along with the look, he also had a pair of white stiletto boots. "I really like this look. I might have to change up my look when I get back down to hell." All of a sudden, he comes across a person laying just past a bush. "Al?" He pushes past the bushes and shakes the person. "Al?" Alastor furrows his eyebrows and opens his eyes. "Where am I? Who are you?!?" Angel shushes him. "Hey Al, relax. It's me." Angel tilts his head and gives him a small smile. "Angel? Is that you?" Angel laughs and nods. "Come on, Smiles, let's stand up." Angel grabs his forearm and lifts him up. "Better?" 

Alastor's POV:

He looks stunning. Who would have thought Angel was an attractive human? Oh, who am I kidding, I knew he would be. Well was, I suppose...

3rd person:

"Much. Thank you Angel dear." Angel nods and a piece of blond poofy hair falls into his face. "Haha, I forgot I had blonde hair." Angel gives a little laugh, then looks back over to Alastor. "Nice outfit." Alastor looks down to see a simple red vest over a black button-up. He had simple red dress pants that matched the vest, as well as black dress shoes, then to top it off, glasses with a small red tint. "This is just how I used to dress." Alastor pointed out. "That makes one of us." Angel awkwardly tugs on a chain dangling from his skirt. Al gives him a small laugh. "Where are we?" Angel looks around, "Well we're in a forest...on Earth..." They look at each other. 

Angel's POV:

Damn, who knew Al was so hot when he was alive? Brown hair and all...Man, and the voice...

3rd person: 

"Well, we better get to walking," Angel says. Alastor nods. "Probably a good idea." They walk for what seems like hours, before coming across a road. "Wonder where this goes..." Angel looks off in one direction. "Al, look! A city!" Angel gently shakes Al's shoulder. "Swell! We should get a move on if we want to get there before the sun sets." Angel looked him in the eye. "Hey, Al. We're still part demon. You can teleport us." Alastor looks away and laughs sheepishly. "Of course, I nearly forgot." Al gently grabs Angel's hand and teleports them into an alley. "Woah..." Angel walks out of the alley to look around. "Angel! Wait up, darling!" Alastor says and walks up next to Angel. "Unholy hell..." The two look around. "Where the hell is this?" Angel asks. "L.A.?" Alastor points to an ad. "L.A., huh? Seems like fun! Come on Smiles!" He grabs Al's hand and pulls him along the sidewalk. "Look at this place...So much has changed in the last...100 years..." Angel stops walking. "The fuck, I mean, frick, is a Starbucks?" Alastor looks across the street to see what Angel was talking about. "Care to find out?" Alastor extends his elbow. "Gladly," Angel replies sweetly and gently grabs Al's upper arm. They walk up to a crosswalk, then cross. "It seems to be some sort of coffee shop." He remarks. "Yeah. Want anything?" Alastor thinks for a minute. "Let's try it." Angel smiles and nods. "Hey, smilies. You don't need to smile that big. We're human, and you look constipated." Angel whispers over. Al can't help but laugh. "Apologies dear." Angel laughs. "No, don't be sorry, it's cute." Alastor turns bright pink, which is very noticeable now on his returned pale skin. "Hey Al, do you mind poofing us some mask thingys?" Alastor looks around and notices that all the other people are wearing masks. "Ah, of course." He makes a quick motion with his hand and hands Angel a pink one that matches perfectly with his skirt. "Cute, thanks!" Alastor nods then puts on the red one. "Check this out." Al looks over at Angel, who 'accidentally' runs into a girl, "Hey, watch it!" She yells. "Oh my gosh! I am so sorry! Are you okay?" Angel holds his hand out and gives her an apologetic look. "Y-yeah, I'm fine..." Angel smirks and winks at her. "As long as your alright, babes." The girl turns bright red and turns away. "That was...Good?" Alastor said after she walked off. "Not my best work, but I still got her wallet, so I guess it wasn't my worst work." Alastor laughs. "Nice job, darling." Angel scrunched up his nose, then kept walking. 

"Hello, welcome to Starbucks, what can I get for you?" The barista says. "Hi, there! Yes, can we please get a Salted Cream caramel creme cold brew, and an iced Caffe Americano?" Angel says, almost like he's done it a thousand times in the past. "Of course! Would you like tall, grande, or venti?" Angel looks over at Alastor. "Umm, both grande please?" The barista laughs. "Sorry sir, of course. Your total's going to be 8.13, please insert your card when you're ready." Angel smiles and puts the girl's card in. "Alrighty sir, do you mind giving me a name for the order?" Angel hesitates. "Anthony." He says in a calm tone.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I love you my little demons! <3

I'm Obsessed... Just Another Radiodust StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora