We aren't-

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Hello, my little demons! I'm hoping to get a normal upload schedule soon!

3rd person:

"You're name is Anthony?" Alastor asked in a shocked tone, which got the barista's attention, but she didn't dare say anything. Angel jabs his elbow into Alastor's side, then ignores his question. "Okay...Your name will be called when your drinks are done." The barista is clearly still confused by Al's remark. "Thank you, hun," Angel replies, then proceeds to push Alastor out of the line so the next people can order. "Smiles! You can't say shit like that up here." Angel says in a hushed, yet stern voice. "But is your name in fact Anthony?" Angel smiles and rolls his eyes. "Oh Smiles. What should I do with you..." Alastor gives him a confused look. "What does that mean?" Angel gently cups Al's face. "Your lucky you're so pretty..." Alastor turns pink again. "Order for Anthony!" Angel lets go of Al's face and walks up to the counter to grab their drinks. After Angel walks away, Al gives a small sigh, when a man walks up to him. "I know, right?" Alastor looks over at him. "I'm sorry?" The man gives him a small laugh. "Love is hard, especially when you're first starting out. Everything is so new." Alastor turns a deeper shade of pink. "Well, I'm not sure. You may have a point, but me and Anthony are just friends." The man shakes his head. "Just friends? With the way you two treat each other, I would think otherwise." The man extends a hand. "Jonas." Al looks at the man. "Your name, I presume?" The man gives him another laugh. "Yes sir!" Angel walks back up to the two. "Hey, Smiles! Who's this?" Angel asks, then hands Al his americano. "This is, uh, Jonas." Angel looks between the two. "Oh, I see. Well, I'll leave the two of you alone." Angel goes to turn around and leave, but Alastor gently grabbed his shoulder. "No, mi Amor, stay. He was just making some small talk." Jonas looks between the two and catches on. "Yeah, Anthony. I'm married, and even if I weren't, I wouldn't want to get in between you two. You truly are such a sweet couple." Both of them turn pink. "Well, uh, thank you, Jonas. But me and Al aren't a couple..." Angel trailed off. Alastor looked down, and Angel could tell he was getting uncomfortable. "Oh shoot. Al, babe, we need to go check into the hotel." Angel smiled at Jonas and grabbed Al's hand, then lead him out of the shop. "Bye...?" Jonas trailed off. 

"Thank you, Angel dear. I'm afraid that human interaction has been lost on me." Angel gave him a small laugh. "Clearly. Now come on, we need to find a hotel." Alastor nods. "Very well." They walk on, hand in hand not noticing it. "Hilton? These things still exist?" Alastor gives a small laugh. "Well, they were quite popular." Angel nodded. "Tell me about it." Angel went to open the door when he noticed that he was still holding Al's hand. "Shi-shoot Al, sorry." Al gave him a small 'hm?', then looked down. "Oh, that's quite alright dear. I hadn't noticed." Angel gave him a smile, then let go of his hand to open the door. "Apres Vous. (After you)" Alastor gave him a small chuckle. "Merci. (Thank you)." Angel nodded, then walked in after him. "Hello! Welcome to Hilton hotels! My name is Aubrey. How may I be of service to y'all?" Angel smiled. "Hello. Yes, we were just wondering about your availability?" Aubrey gave a small nod a looked at her computer. "Well, lucky for you two, we have a few rooms left. Would you like a view?" Angel nodded. "Alrighty, can I please see some form of identification and the credit card you would like to pay with?" Angel nodded and taped Alastors leg (In morse code, of course), asking him to make a fake, yet valid, ID for him. "Here you go." Angel reached into the wallet and handed her the stolen card, as well as the fake ID Al, had just magicked in. "Okay perfect! Thank you two, and here is y'all's key card. You're going to be in room 304 on the, well, 3rd floor!" She gave a laugh, and the boys shared a look. "Great, Thank you!" Angel and Alastor walked to the elevator and hit the button to floor 3. The two stood in silence until they got to floor 3. "Here we are," Angel said, almost as soon as they got off the elevator. "Now how does this work...?" He tried to find a place to put the key. "Might I recommend taping it on that black part, dear?" Angel gave him a small laugh, then pushed the door open. "Woah! They certainly have upgraded these places!" Angel walked in and proceeded to search the room...With Al's help of course. Neither of them trusted places like this. "It seems safe," Alastor remarked. "Yeah, just making sure!" Angel sighed and sat down on their bed. "This is so weird." Alastor sat next to him. "You're handling this very well though." Angel smiled at him and laid his head down in his lap. "All thanks to you." Alastor smiled and ran his fingers through Angel's hair. "I wouldn't want to be stuck here with anyone else." Angel sat up. "What about the hotel! Everyone, back there must be worried sick. It's one thing when I'm gone, but with you? I can't imagine what they're going through..."

*Back at the hotel*

"No fuckin' way!" Husk threw his cards across the table. "I had that shit in the bag. Damn Nif, You're good." Nifty gave him a smile. "All is fair in poker!" Charlie and Vaggie laugh. "Wanna play again, Husk?" Vaggie asks. "Sure!"

*Back on Earth*

"Angel dear, I wouldn't worry. We'll find a way back down there, I promise." Angel gives him a happy sigh. "Thank you." He leans up and gives him a kiss on the cheek. "I'm gonna crash. It's been a long day." Alastor nods. "Probably a good idea. Care for nightwear?" Angel laughs. "Al, hun, not tonight." Alastor gives him that confused look until he realizes what Angel means. "Oh heavens no! I meant pajamas, Angel. Please, get your head out of the gutter." Angel gives him a laugh. "I knew what you meant, Smiles. Pj's sound nice." Alastor smiles and nods. "Voila." Angel walks over to the mirror. "Holy hell, Al. You've got some style." Alastor laughs, "I try my best." Angel looks back to the mirror. "Oh...Oh wow...." Angel plays with his bleach blonde hair, which goes down just past his hair in some spots. "What the hell..." He then opens his eyes and gets closer to his gray eyes. "I-I don't remember the last time I looked like this..." Alastor walks up next to him in the mirror. "Oh unholy hell-" Al examines his nicely groomed brown hair, then, much like Angel, get's closer to examine his brown eyes. "I must agree with you. I forgot what I had looked like before, well, before the whole demon thing." Angel laughs. "It's hard to believe we ever had lives before that." Alastor slowly nods. "I know. It's such a shame neither of us couldn't have lived a normal-ish life." Angel agrees with him, "Yeah..." Alastor changes into 'nightwear' with a snap of his fingers, then walks back over to the bed. "Wait...We died in our 30s... When I was 30sI looked a hell of a lot worse. Oh shit, I mean shoot. I'm the 21ish-year-old me if that." Alastor walks back over. "As am I. But that doesn't seem to be such a bad thing, does it?" Angel shakes his head. "No, I guess not..." They both walk back over to the bed and lay down. "Night Al." Alastor smilies. "Good night, Mi Amor."

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Sorry, it was a bit lengthy! I love you my little demons <3

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