The plan

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Hello! Before we get into todays chapter, I wanna apologize on not uploading! I've been drowning in homework and shit like that. So yeah! Please enjoy. (Oh and my accounts having a bit of an issue, so I might not follow people back for a while! I'm so sorry!)

3rd person:


On his way to the studio, Angel thought about everyone back at the hotel. He got cat called about 60 times on his way to work, which didn't really bother him in the least. Angel ignored everything and everyone around him until he got to work. He made it to his dressing room pretty easy, and was even able to take his clothes off before Val came in. "Mornin' Val." Angel said in a very passive aggressive way. "Angelcakes you look even sluttier than usual today... mmmm I like it..." Val came up behind Angel and grabbed his waist and pulled him in. Angel was stunned in silence for a moment. "Well I'm glad." Angel was starting to realize how much he liked that hotel. "Now listen... Daddy will forgive you... But only if..-" Val was cut off. "Sir, you have someone here to see you." It was a nice assistant lady, who should not have ended up in hell. "Very well... I will be back in an hour for you my little slut..." Val let go of Angel and left the room. "That should give you a bit to think of a plan." Angel looked over at the nice old lady. "What?" She smiled and walked off. Angel was a little dizzy, but he was almost positive that he heard her right. "Plan?" Angel was confused, but decided to not think much about it. After getting a cup of water, Angel called the hotel. "Hello this is the Happy Hotel, Charlie here!" Angel give a small sigh, thankful that someone picked up. "Hey girly, it's Angel. Listen I was wondering-" He was cut off by a squeal. "Oh my Lucifer! Hi Angel!" Angel was getting a bit annoyed. "Yeah hi Char. Can you please hand the phone to Alastor?" Charlie didn't even process what he had said before shouting Al's name. "AL SOMEONE'S ON THE PHONE FOR YOU" Angel held the phone away from his ear and gave a small laugh. Al came to the phone after a moment. "How does this work-? Oh um hello?" Al said. "Hey Smiles." Angel smiled and laughed as soon as he heard Al speak. "Is that you Angel?" Angel rolled his eyes adoringly. "No it's Santa. Yes it's me." Alastor gave his confused look, and somehow, Angel knew. "Nevermind. I don't have much time, but I need help." Alastor was still kinda hooked on the whole Santa thing, but continued the conversation. "Alright. How may I be of assistance?" Angel thought for a moment. "I need you to go into your closet, and grab an outfit. I don't care what it looks like, but I need you to do that for me. Then if you don't mind killing some newbie along the way." Alastor listened to Angel's request. "Might I ask what for?" Angel hesitated for a moment. "Not enough time, but I promise I'll explain everything later. Oh and do you mind teleporting in, so your not seen?" Alastor was worried about what Angel wanted to do, but he had faith. "Alright, see you in a moment." Angel smiled and hung up the phone. He walked over to his vanity, and pulled out some makeup. "I was never gonna use this shit anyways." Angel also found some old makeup brushes when Al popped in. "I'm here." Angel was about to turn when he realized what he was wearing. "This is gonna be weird for a sec, but I need the pair of clothes." Alastor tossed the dead body on the floor, and handed Angel his neatly folded dress shirt and pants. "Thanks." Angel tried to grab it without turning around, which kind of worked, but he looked weird as fuck doing. "I'd turn around if I we're you Smiles." Angel laughed a bit when Al turned around. Angel took off his 'clothes' that he had worn before. "Okay you can turn around if you'd like." Alastor turned and looked at Angel. "I hope you don't mind me wearing this." Angel had to suck his arms in so he could wear the shirt right. Alastor's hear skipped a beat, but he tried to keep his cool. "I don't mind at all. Care if I help?" Angel was confused. "Okay-" Al's smile widened. With a flick of his wrist, the shirt grew two new arm holes. "There we are." Al fixed his tie a bit. "Now what do you need the dead man for?" Angel smiled and explained the situation. "We're gonna make that dude look like me, and hang him." Alastor's eyes widened. "I'm sorry?" Angel sighed. "I know it's a long shot, but if we make it look like I'm dead, then I'll be free." Alastor flinched at the thought of faking Angel's death. "If it will get you out of this mess, then let's go for it."

And so, they worked on making it look as realistic as possible. Alastor set up the scene, while Angel made the dude look like him. Even dressed the man in the so called 'clothes' Angel had came in. After 10 minutes they we're done. "Now we hide." Angel grabbed Al's hand, much like when they we're going to the market. They ended up hiding in the closet. (Get my joke?) It was small and cramped, but it was a good place to hide. They had a perfect view of the scene though. The scene was believable enough that it fooled Alastor. He turned to complement Angel's makeup work. At that same time Angel covered his mouth. "Al can you please take me back home?" Angel didn't like seeing his own death, even if it was fake and nowhere close to an overdose. Of course, without hesitation Alastor teleported them into Angel's room. "You alright dear?" Angel just stood there for a moment. "Hey Al? Come here for a second, will ya?" Alastor walked over to Angel. "Everything alright?" Right then and there, Angel garbed the sides of Al's face and pulled him in for a kiss. Alastor didn't put up much of a fight, but it surprised him. Angel pulled away and Al just stood there. "I'm sorry I-" Alastor smiled at him. "Don't apologize. It's my fault too." Angel slowly nodded. "Well thanks for helping me fake my death." Alastor laughed a bit. "My pleasure." Alastor finished his sentence as soon as Angel dropped down to the floor. "Angel?" Alastor tried to aid Angel's side, but he wouldn't wake up.

I'm sorry to leave it on a cliff hanger, but I'll upload the next chapter in a few days!

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